A Mario Kart tournament during the Challenge Jeunesse Ardente on Saturday March 30 in Liège!

2024-02-11 16:00:00

Entire generations of young (and not so young) players competed on the “slippery” roads of the famous Mario Kart game… And since the first edition was a hit, the City decided to organize a new edition of the Mario Kart tournament during its Challenge Jeunesse Ardente, next Saturday, March 30. On giant screen.

Last year, the Youth Service of the City of Liège brought together an impressive number of fans of the most unifying game on the planet, Mario Kart, during the first edition of this event. Following the triumph of this first edition, the idea is to return with two Mario Kart tournaments. This year, the organizers decided to increase the number of participants.

An Open tournament is open to everyone, from 6 years old; 48 teams of two will compete in this tournament. Intergenerational teams are welcome, with a special prize awarded to the best team with an age difference of more than 20 years, according to the City of Liège.

A Junior tournament is also planned this year, for young people aged 12 and under. He will face 20 teams of two.

”Beyond the competitions, the Challenge Jeunesse Ardente is expanding its offering of varied video game activities. Virtual reality, retro gaming, immersive games, robotics activities and much more will enrich the experience of participants and spectators,” explains Julie Fernandez-Fernandez, in charge of the youth. “And to make the event as inclusive as possible, a special family games area on projection screens will be set up with free access. Thus, seniors (accompanying people or not) will be able to immerse themselves in the world of Nintendo Switch Sports”.

”In the era of connectivity, during this legislature, I wanted to modernize communication and contact with young people in Liège. The Jeunesse Ardente digital platform is a participatory policy tool, enabling inclusive dialogue. The Mario Kart tournament illustrates part of this vision, by bringing together the people of Liége around a video game, which also goes beyond generational boundaries,” indicates the alderman.

Registrations are open. A draw will determine the tournament teams on March 23. Participation in the tournament is open to all Liégeois from 6 years old, with no age limit. Participation in the tournament and event is free. Catering at affordable prices is available on site.

Info and registrations: tinyurl.com/challengeJA

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