Secrets of Mexican Politics Revealed: AMLO’s Book ‘¡Gracias!’ Exposes Intriguing Political Maneuvers and Betrayals

2024-02-10 20:21:00

Written in NATIONAL on 2/10/2024 · 2:21 p.m.

During one of the debates held in 2018, the then candidate for the National Action Party (PAN), Ricardo Anayathreatened to send Enrique Pena Nieto to jail if he won the presidency; However the PRI member José Antonio Meade He launched a closed microphone response that provoked the admiration of the current president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

This was revealed by the current president in his most recent book ¡Gracias!which Radio Formula ‘dissected’ to tell you some secrets that Mexican politics hides.

For example, did you know that the actor Eugenio Derbez was considered to be a presidential candidate? Just like this revelation, there are others that involve politicians with whom AMLO has had ‘run-ins’.

One of these moments occurred in June 2018, when the debate towards the presidency took place, in which López Obrador, Ricardo Anaya, José Antonio Meade and Jaime Rodríguez Calderón participated.

Among the bickering there they heard when Anaya assured that, if he won the presidencyI would put him in jail Enrique Pena Nieto “by thief”.

“I managed to hear Meade’s reaction, who, in words more, words less, shouted at Anaya: You are the corrupt one and you are the one who should be put in jail,” AMLO recalls in his text.

This reaction caused admiration in the current president, who stated that he “liked Meade’s loyalty to President Peña.”

And AMLO assured that he (José Antonio Meade) knows regarding the arrangements that were made between them when Anaya was president of the PAN.

An example of this is what was stated by Emilio Lozoya: “Luis Videgaray instructed me to receive Ricardo Anaya Cortés at the Pemex offices. […] “He instructed me to deliver 6,800,000 pesos to Anaya, who had been insisting on meeting with him.”

Actions like the previous one have led López Obrador to call Peña grandson the “slapping clown”; Well, the former PRI president said he felt “betrayed” by several politicians.

“I will not forget when I met with President Peña, while he was still constitutional president and I was president-elect, and in the conversation he told me: they betrayed me,” AMLO said during one of his morning conferences.

In that sense, he said that at first the media showed support for Peña Nieto; However, “later they turned their backs on him, they even turned him into the slapping clown, mocking him.”

#Gossip #Anaya #jail #Meade #microphone #AMLO #reveals #book



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