2024-02-10 04:50:00
As cyberattacks increase, sometimes coming from abroad, businesses and public organizations must adapt. Victim structures must prepare as much to avoid them as to repair the damage or alert those whose personal data has been stolen. Insurers are concerned regarding the phenomenon. The Paris region, due to its density, is particularly affected.
Why does Île-de-France concentrate so many attacks?
RENAUD FEIL. This is because of the concentration of wealth. For ten years, there has been cybercrime that has developed with fairly opportunistic attackers who do not want to waste too much time. There are not really sectors more affected than others, all solvent companies can be affected.
Even the smallest structures?
Previously, attacks targeted CAC 40 companies; now, it is more mid-sized companies (ETI) and SMEs because the level of security is quite low and uneven. Ten years ago, the ransom started at 20,000 euros; today, it is more around a million, even if there are requests for 100,000 euros. There are regular attacks, but it’s not the Wild West either.
How much of its budget should a company devote to cybersecurity?
More than a budget to devote, cybersecurity must be the concern of everyone in a company. In reality, all serious companies now have a team dedicated solely to this subject. But above all, she plays the conductor to tell management that a particular software is obsolete and remind employees to change their password…
Paris (2nd). For Renaud Feil, cybersecurity expert, “it is rather mid-sized companies (ETI) and SMEs which are today the target of computer hackers”. DR
Where to start, in this case?
The objective is to protect ourselves by targeting a type of attacker that we will be able to block very quickly. A bit like the short self-defense course which allows us to know how to react if someone attacks us in the street. If we have the equivalent of the GIGN in front of us, it is certain that we will not be able to get out of it, no one can. These groups are superpredators, with enormous means. It’s a whole different fight.
Why do some targets recover in two days and others take months?
It all depends on the level of preparation of companies and the mistakes of the attackers. Today, all targets make data backups. To secure them, you must disconnect them from the Internet and put them aside so that they are protected. If this is not done correctly, attackers can very well block the system and, with it, take over all the data. There, it can be very long. Among the lot, there are companies that negotiate, because unfortunately it is very tempting to pay to unblock the system.
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