Greens Upper Austria: Bauer: You definitely can’t give up your political views on the turntables

2024-02-05 22:46:11

SP-Binder as a DJ at the Burschenbundball followingpart – the SPÖ Upper Austria is doing a disservice to the fight once morest right-wing extremism and nationalist ideas

Linz (OTS) – “That creates a pretty absurd picture. A huge demonstration march, among others with SP boss Lindner at the head, protests once morest the boys’ union ball and a little later Peter Binder provides the accompanying music for the blue followingparty. His name is the SP state parliament president, closer Confidant of his boss and the whole thing in the bar of an SPÖ local council member. The SPÖ Upper Austria is doing a disservice to the fight once morest right-wing extremism and nationalist ideas. It offers the FPÖ and the fraternity members an open flank and every reason for malice. You should definitely have your political views Don’t hand it over to the turntables. We’re looking forward to tomorrow’s conversation between Lindner and Binder,” says Green right-wing extremism spokeswoman LAbg. Anne-Sophie Bauer, commenting on the current case.

“Hundreds of thousands are demonstrating in Germany once morest right-wing extremism, hatred and exclusion. There are tens of thousands in Austria so far. This powerful demeanor also requires continued unity, determination and consistency. On the other hand, sweetening the celebrations for the nationalist fraternities with lively rhythms is highly unnecessary,” emphasizes Bauer and notes that “the Greens are obviously the only party in Upper Austria. The state government does not celebrate with German nationalist fraternities.”

Questions & Contact:

The Greens of Upper Austria, Mag. Markus Ecker, press officer, Tel.: 0664/831 75 36, mailto:,

#Greens #Upper #Austria #Bauer #give #political #views #turntables



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