12% of French people in a situation of total isolation

2024-02-01 15:53:27

According to a study * in 2023, 12% of French people find themselves in a situation of total isolation, and one in 3 people have none or only one sociability network. Regarding the feeling of loneliness, 1 in 5 people surveyed indicate that they regularly feel alone (21%). Among them, 83% suffer from this situation, a figure up 4 points compared to 2020.

Since 2010, the Fondation de France has published its annual report on Loneliness in France. This 2023 edition focuses on places of solitude and social connection. She attempts to understand the link between space, territory and social isolation. It is interested in the unique experience of those who experience it while offering an overall view, in the general population, on the frequentation of certain places and their potential to create links or, on the contrary, to produce
of isolation. How do people exposed to solitude and isolation perceive their relationship to space and places? What places do they go to first? What are they looking for in these places that they cannot find in others? What links do they have with them? To what extent and under what conditions can places strengthen social bonds? And, conversely, how can they contribute to the isolation of those who live and pass through them?

“A person is isolated when they do not physically meet the members of 5 sociability networks: work, family, friendly or professional relations and the associative environment », Séverine Dessajan, researcher at Cerlis.

Feeling alone causes more and more suffering and this new study confirms it: in 2023, 12% of French people will find themselves in a situation of total isolation, and one person in 3 has none or only one sociability network. Regarding the feeling of loneliness, 1 in 5 people surveyed indicate that they regularly feel alone (21%). Among them, 83% suffer from this situation, a figure up 4 points compared to 2020.

Furthermore, the study reveals that loneliness manifests itself more in summer than in winter, especially among young people: 45% feel alone in summer, compared to 25% in winter. The reasons ? “The loss of school connections and the cost of vacations”analyzes Hadrien Riffaut, director of research at Cerlis.

For this new edition, the Fondation de France has chosen to focus qualitatively on places of solitude and sociability. What places do isolated people go to first? To what extent can these places strengthen social bonds? The places most frequented by people experiencing loneliness are shopping centers and city center markets and businesses. This is explained by the fact that these are open and free places in which these people feel less exposed to the gaze of others and therefore more legitimate, isolation often being correlated with precariousness. But the places where we most easily connect with new people are not necessarily the places we go the most. These are places where “doing” occupies a central place, such as sports establishments or associative structures.

“Loneliness in France is a phenomenon that changes little but is polarizing. The most precarious are always more exposed to isolation: unemployed people are twice as isolated as working people”underlines Hadrien Riffaut, researcher at Cerlis.

Four major lessons emerge from the qualitative field investigation: the need to act on the relationship and appropriation of individuals to space, to think about public spaces which are places of connection (parks, gardens, squares, markets ) as places of action and events for all stakeholders concerned, to support and strengthen the commitment of actors and actresses in the field and to encourage people in a situation of isolation to “do it” to revalorize self-esteem.

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*Solitudes 2023, (RE)LINKED BY PLACES. A territorial and spatial approach to solitudes and social bonds. (PDF) This study was carried out by the Fondation de France in collaboration with a research team (Cerlis and Audencia) and Crédoc. Hadrien Riffaut (research direction) – CERLIS. Séverine Dessajan – CERLIS and Delphine Saurier – AUDENCIA. In collaboration with Solen Berhuet, Sandra Hoibian and Clara Ponton – CRÉDOC

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