Japanese Research Team Discovers New Compound for Obesity Treatment

RSV Causes Nerve Cell Damage – 70% Increase in Infants and Young Children

RSV causes specific nerve cell damage…Recently, RSV patients are increasing, 70% in infants and young children. Entered 2024.02.01 16:18 Entered 2024.02.01 16:18 Modified 2024.02.01 13:21 Views 225 Research has shown that RSV, a common respiratory infection in infants and young children, can have a negative effect on nerve cells. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Research results have shown that the … Read more

You can read the full story here: RSV Causes Nerve Cell Damage – 70% Increase in Infants and Young Children .

RSV Causes Nerve Cell Damage – 70% Increase in Infants and Young Children

“It’s going very well and without giving up”

2024-02-02 15:52:23 “With just one kidney you live very well” and as the singer and presenter…

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“It’s going very well and without giving up”

Once the preliminary works have been completed, the Policlinico in San Donato is ready for doubling

Construction Begins on Doubling of San Donato Polyclinic The long-awaited construction project to double the size of…

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Japanese Research Team Discovers New Compound for Obesity Treatment

Report of the Japanese research group [의학신문·일간보사=정우용 기자] A Japanese research team has managed to discover a new candidate for the treatment of obesity and reveal its mechanism of action. The research team at Iwate Medical University focused on “UCP1”, a protein involved in the so-called “heat production” that transforms the chemical energy of nutrients […]

The post Japanese Research Team Discovers New Compound for Obesity Treatment appeared first on News Directory 3.

Japanese Research Team Discovers New Compound for Obesity Treatment



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