There will be demonstrations in Río Negro and Neuquén in rejection of the Omnibus Law, they will be in the afternoon

2024-02-02 15:53:00

While the debate of the Omnibus Law in the Chamber of Deputies, outside the congress protesters gathered to show their rejection of the approval of said law. Under the orders of Minister Patricia Bullrich, the armed forces repressed protesters. Today, the session will continue at 10. In Río Negro and Neuquén there will be demonstrations in the followingnoon.

“The country is not sold, rights are defended,” This is the motto under which various social organizations will demonstrate to show their marked rejection of the possible approval of the project of the Omnibus Law presented by the government of Javier Milei.

As they advanced, theThe demonstrations will take place in the followingnoon in various parts of Río Negro and Neuquén. It is expected that they will coincide with the voting hours of the Chamber of Deputies.

Protests in Neuquén over the Omnibus Law

In Neuquén Capital revealed that social organizations will demonstrate around 6 p.m. In the city center.

The representatives of the various social organizations that are part of the mobilization They will meet this morning to define the time and place of the call.

Omnibus Law: there will be demonstrations in Viedma

The social organizations grouped in the multi-sectoral group of Viedma called to demonstrate in Plaza San Martín once morest the Omnibus Law. It will be at 6:30 p.m. under the slogan “enough of repression.”

In Las Grutas they will mobilize in rejection of the Omnibus Law

Another point with mobilizations will be Las Grutas where the organizations will meet at 5 p.m. in Plaza Artesanos..

«In the face of the repression and violence that the compas in Buenos Aires experience, we say enough is enough. We demand the rejection of the Law and the delegated powers,” they expressed from the community for culture.

In Buenos Aires, the gendarmerie advanced on the protesters and opposition deputies left the premises

In line with Minister Bullrich’s anti-picketing protocol, An extensive cordon of Gendarmerie began to advance on the demonstrators who were protesting outside Parliament in opposition to the Omnibus Law.

He movement was repudiated by the groups, who responded in some cases with stones and throwing bottles.

He approached the scene of the incidents the national deputy Nicolás del Caño, who questioned the Minister of Security. So did her bench partner. Myriam Bregman, who asked to suspend the session due to the increase in confrontations outside Congress.

Agents of the Federal Police, Gendarmerie and Prefecture continued the repression in the streets surrounding Congress, with tear gas, sticks and rubber bullets despite the fact that the organizations had deconcentrated the place.

As reported by the Buenos Aires Press Union (SiPreBA), more than 25 press workers were injured during the repression of the security forces in Congress

#demonstrations #Río #Negro #Neuquén #rejection #Omnibus #Law #followingnoon



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