Victory in Moselle: Former Caregiver’s Breast Cancer Recognized as Occupational Disease

2024-02-02 13:45:00

A victory. In Moselle, Bernadette W., aged 75, won her case. On January 29, the National Union of Miners CFDT, who brought the case of the former caregiver at the Caisse des Mines hospital in Freyming-Merlebach, announced that her breast cancer, from which she has suffered since 2005, has been recognized as an occupational disease. According to France 3 Grand Estshe is the second person whose pathology is recognized to be of occupational origin in her region and the seventh in all of France.

Former caregiver was exposed to night work and X-rays

According to the CFDT, the patient had been exposed to night work, with more than 2,100 nights recorded in 30 years. “She was also exposed to radiation. As a caregiver, she was present during her patients’ radiotherapy sessions,” declared, to France 3 Grand EstBrigitte Clément, the regional secretary of the union. “We were without protection. I sometimes had to stay to hold a patient’s limb in order to immobilize it. At the time, I didn’t ask myself any questions, it was part of my job.” said Bernadette W. Republican Lorraine.

For her breast cancer to be recognized as an occupational disease, a doctor and an expert in radiation protection helped her prove the link between her illness and the work carried out thanks to several elements, in particular testimonies from her work colleagues and its hierarchical managers. “The present case combines two factors (exposure to X-rays and night work), to significant extents. This new recognition proves that there is a real subject”, said Brigitte Clément.

Breast cancer of occupational origin: the CFDT invites affected women to come forward

From now on, the CFDT team, which will contact ANSES, is calling on all people who have contracted breast cancer and are exposed or have been exposed to night work and/or ionizing radiation and/or carbon dioxide. ethylene to contact them. “We will see together if a claim for occupational disease is possible.”

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