an alert study on new substances in circulation

2024-01-31 07:34:53

It is a list of molecules, an illicit pharmacopoeia known to insiders. In total, twenty-six synthetic substances were identified for the first time in France, in 2022, by the national identification system for toxicants and substances (Sintes) published Wednesday January 31 by the French Observatory for Drugs and addictive tendencies (OFDT).

Users, confronted with undesirable or unexpected effects following their consumption of narcotic products, made it possible to draw this panorama of new substances, but also to document the deceptions relating to their composition – by integrating cutting products and other adjuvants .

Among these new synthetic products registered in the “NPS directory”, nine belong to the family of synthetic cannabinoids, molecules produced in the laboratory which mimic the psychoactive effects of cannabis on brain receptors. “They correspond to a diversity of molecules which have developed to escape changes in French and European regulations, like in a race to the shallot”specifies toxicologist Sabrina Cherki, national coordinator of the Sintes system.

Hallucinogenic substances

“Many are found in the composition of vaping liquids adulterated with synthetic cannabinoids, which may have caused complications (hallucinations, heart palpitations, vomiting, convulsions) in a young audience”, she continues. ADB-Fubiaca, ADB-P-5Br-Inaca or even MDMB-Inaca can thus be sold under the names Buddha Blue or “Pète ton tête”, recently marketed near educational establishments, to an often minor clientele.

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“Arylalkylamines and arylcyclohexylamines”, another most represented category (six occurrences) among the new synthetic products, are mainly purchased on the Internet and delivered in postal packages. These are hallucinogenic substances with “dissociative” properties, similar to those of ketamine.

Beyond this list of new products, the Sintes study scrutinizes the effects and composition of the most used narcotics. If the “THC levels in cannabis seizures are part of a continuous increase since 2019”specifies the document, the number of collections is almost half as large as the previous year, which can be explained by “the end of the alert concerning the circulation of herbs and resins adulterated with synthetic cannabinoids”.

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