Idao de Tillard vann Prix d’Amérique

Crushed the opposition in the super race

Published 2024-01-28 10.25



Idao de Tillard vinner Prix d’Amérique. Photo: Atg Live

PARIS. French favorite Idao de Tillard took home the Prix d’Amérique after a huge crash.

The Swedish star mare Joviality finished third.

– He is too good, I don’t understand anything, said Idao de Tillard’s coach Thierry Duvaldestin.

– I am as proud as can be of her, said Joviality’s trainer Sabine Kagebrant.



Horse – coachman – trainer

1. Idao de Tillard – Clement Duvaldestin – Thierry Duvaldestin

2. Hokkaido Jiel – David Thomain – JLDersoir

3. Joviality – Björn Goop – Sabine Kagebrant

square1 Distance: 2,700 meters, volt start

square1 First prize: 450 000 euro.

square1 Victory Time: 1.11,6.

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As usual, there was great drama before the start of the world’s toughest trotting race, the Prix d’Amérique.

Once the horses got away, after two aborted attempts, it was the Swedish-trained horses Joviality and Hail Mary who won the start – and took care of the lead (Hail Mary) and the back of the leader (Joviality).

Those positions were held until the race, when French favorite Idao de Tillard, ridden by Clément Duvaldestin, linked the winning grip and settled easily.

That after a “nightmare race”, hanging in wide tracks for half the race and then doing the job on the outside of the leading Hail Mary.

– He was not normal, what he did today was absolutely incredible. The horse was so worth it. I know how lucky I am, who gets to drive a horse like Idao de Tillard, I know it’s something you don’t get very many times in your life, said winning driver Clément Duvaldestin after the victory.

– Well, it’s clear that you know he’s good, but today he showed that he really was the best. It was absolutely huge. The horse really deserves this. He really is absolutely fantastic, said the horse’s Norwegian caretaker Susanne Ohme, who worked in Sweden previously with Robert Bergh.

– He is a mystery, I don’t understand anything, he is too good, said Idao de Tillard’s coach Thierry Duvaldestin.

Goop: “Fantastically good”

Swedish-trained horses then? Hail Mary, ridden by Eric Raffin, and trained by Daniel Redén, tired in the lead and was unplaced.

But Joviality, trained by Sabine Kagebrant and ridden by Björn Goop, got the gap in the race, tried to challenge winner Idao de Tillard, but had to settle for third place, after being beaten for second place on the finish line, by the maverick, French Hokkaido Jiel .

– She was incredibly good, Kagebrant said immediately after the finish with tears in her throat.

– I am very pleased, She was fantastically talented. The winner was nothing to do about. “I got my hopes up going into the race, but the winner looked so damn good,” Goop said.

Ström: “Absolutely incredible”

A few minutes later, Kagebrant had calmed down a bit and chipped in for third place worth 140,000 euros:

– I am as proud as can be of her. She did amazing. I don’t think I understand how big it is. It’s awfully big to finish third in the Prix d’Amérique as a five-year-old.

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Stall Courant, headed by businessman and entrepreneur Anders Ström, owns Joviality.

– You want to be part of this race and get this chance. I felt that Björn drives a perfect start, even in the restarts. Then the gap comes on the inside of the race, just like she got in the Hambletonian (the world’s largest three-year-old race, which is run in the USA) and then she doesn’t really light up until 200 meters later. It was a bit similar now. I think she finished with strength left. She was recently four years old, now she goes out and does this, on this track. I don’t know what to say. It is absolutely incredible, said Ström.

Daniel Redén had hoped for a different tactic than management all the way.

– It didn’t turn out as I hoped. I had hoped he would get a back race. It was tough on the hill. It was a terrible horse on the outside, he said after Hail Mary got really tired at the end.

chevron-leftpreviouschevron-rightnextSabine Kagebrant, trainer for Joviality.

1 / 4Foto: ATG LIVE

  • Sunday 16.27

    Andreas Örtengren


    Swedish Joviality with driver Björn Goop third.

  • Andreas Örtengren

    Sunday 16.42

    Thanks for this afternoon.

    Vinnare PdA: 12 Idao de Tillard

    Joviality trea.

    I round off the chat.

  • Andreas Örtengren

    Sunday 16.40

    There were doubtful reports from the stable before PdA when Idao de Tillard missed a race and also some work due to illness. But there was nothing noticeable today. Despite a very tough race, you were just the best.

  • Andreas Örtengren

    Sunday 16.39

    It was really dramatic with a short drive to the finish line. It felt like Joviality could take it but the winner was too good today. But an incredible success for the Swedish super mare.

  • Andreas Örtengren

    Sunday 16.37

    Congratulations Idao de Tillard and everyone around the horse.

    Today you were just the best – I don’t think anyone can say anything about that.

  • Can you dream of Anders bringing him here to Harper?

    Tobias Grosshed

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