???? Global Cancer Research Fund

2024-01-30 21:38:42


The World Cancer Research Fund (FMRC) is the only French charitable association entirely dedicated to cancer prevention through the promotion of a balanced diet and regular physical activity (physical activity includes both physical exercise in daily life, at home, etc.) and maintaining an optimal body weight.

The FMRC is part of the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) ) which is also made up of the following associations:

  • l’American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) ;
  • le World Cancer Research Fund United-Kingdom (WCRF UK) ;
  • the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF NL);
  • le World Cancer Research Fund Hong-Kong (WCRF HK) ;
  • and strategic headquarters, the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF INT).

The pooling of all resources allows the WCRF network to set up and optimize research programs and to information in the world (The word world can refer to:) entire world.

Recent actions

In 2007, the WCRF network published the report Food, Nutrition, Activity and Prevention (Physics (from the Greek φυσις, nature) is etymologically the…) Prevention is an attitude and/or a set of measures to take to avoid…) Cancer: a Global Perspective (Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer; a Global Perspective). To do this, an international panel of twenty-one scientists evaluated the results of thousands of studies carried out over the last fifty years around the world. . This report represents the most comprehensive analysis ever published and has changed the research landscape by focusing the efforts of the community global scientist. The recommendations below are taken from this report.

FMRC diet and health recommendations for cancer prevention

  • Be as thin as possible while avoiding underweight;
  • Practice physical activity for at least thirty minutes (First form of a document: Law: one minute is the original of an act. …) per day;
  • Avoid sugary drinks. Limit the consumption of foods with a high caloric density (especially products with a high content of added sugars, or low in fiber (The density or relative density of a body is the ratio of its density to the…) A fiber is an elementary formation, vegetable or animal, of filamentous appearance, se…), or rich in fat);
  • Increase and vary the consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and pulses;
  • Limit the consumption of red meat (the color red has different definitions, depending on the color system we use…) (such as beef, pork (pork (from the Latin porcus) which is also called domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) or pig of…), or lamb) and avoid cold meats;
  • In case of alcohol consumption, limit yourself to one drink per day for women and two for men. men;
  • Limit the consumption of salty foods and products containing added salt (sodium);
  • Do not take food supplements to protect yourself from cancer;
  • Preferably, mothers should exclusively breastfeed for the first six months and then introduce other fluids and food ;
  • After treatment, people diagnosed with cancer should follow all recommendations for cancer prevention.
  • And do not smoke (Smoking is a practice consisting of burning a substance to inhale the smoke…)…

    These recommendations reinforce and clarify those of the National Nutrition and Health Plan (PNNS). This action plan establishes priority nutritional benchmarks in terms of public health (Public health can be defined in various ways. It can in fact…) without focusing on environmental causes other than those linked to food choices. .

    #Global #Cancer #Research #Fund



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