What are the benefits of goji berries?

2024-01-30 10:16:36

A few words regarding the goji berry

La baie du lyciet (ou Wild lychee), is a small berry of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) (which also includes tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, chili peppers, potatoes, etc.). The goji berry, also nicknamed miraculous berry, fruit of smile or fruit eternal youthis a small orange-red, oval berry, native to Asia.

In Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine and even Tibetan medicine, this small berry has been known for centuries and used to purify the blood, liver, kidneys and chase away fatigue. It has been exploited for millennia in China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam… but only arrived in the West at the beginning of the 1990s! More recently, it was discovered that goji is a concentrate of antioxidantsthe star active ingredients in the fight once morest aging and anti-fatigue.

What are the nutritional benefits of goji berry?

Precise data is lacking but goji berries contain:

numerous amino acids including eight so-called essential amino acids (because the human body needs them and as it does not know how to produce them it must find them in food) trace elements and minerals: zinc, iron, copper, selenium , phosphorus, calcium … flavonoids, beta-sitosterols and beta-carotene with anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin E. .. what regarding calories? Goji berries contain 320 calories pour 100 g

To remember ? Goji berries contain no less than 30 different minerals and trace elements, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids… In short, goji contains almost all of the nutrients essential to our body. Not to mention the fact that it contains 400 times more vitamin C than oranges. The only downside, and a big one: Goji thins the blood and is therefore not recommended for people who suffer from bleeding disorders.

What are the health benefits of goji berries?

the antioxidant power of goji berry

Thanks to its high content of beta-carotene, flavonoids… the goji berry is renowned for its antioxidant properties! The interest? Antioxidants help fight free radicals, responsible for premature aging of cells. By consuming more antioxidants we will both fight once morest skin aging and at the same time maintain the health of the entire body. And the antioxidants will also boost the immune system and strengthen the body’s natural defenses… Finally, goji stimulates the production of macrophages, cells essential for good immunity and therefore for a peaceful winter.

goji berry, anti-fatigue ally

Thanks to its vitamin C content (30 mg per 100 g), goji berries are also known for their anti-fatigue properties.

goji for strong bones

Another advantage of goji berries? Their high calcium content makes them useful for preventing osteoporosis.

Goji berries and cholesterol

The goji berry is said to be very effective in regulating cholesterol, blood sugar levels (blood sugar levels) and blood pressure.

The benefits of goji berries for eye health

Lyciet berries also contain zeaxanthin, an antioxidant carotenoid known for its protective action on the retina, brain, liver and even the heart. The goji berry thus contributes to the prevention of diseases due to cellular aging such as AMD or cataracts (source 3).

Goji berry as a beauty ally?

Yes yes ! Antioxidant properties are not only beneficial to health but also to beauty! Indeed, antioxidants also act on skin cells and help fight once morest skin aging. In fact, consuming goji berries will help maintain the suppleness of the skin and reduce the signs of aging.

Do goji berries help you lose weight?

As part of a slimming diet, goji berries can be interesting in many ways. In addition to being rich in fiber and low in calories, berries contain nutrients that help compensate for deficiencies that a diet can cause. A small handful of goji berries can then be useful as part of a weight loss diet. But like all good things, be careful not to overdo it!

As goji is grown in China, it is difficult to consume it fresh. It is therefore most often found in dried form. With a slightly sweet taste, it can be consumed all year round at a rate of a handful per day. Problem: not all organic stores sell them and, on the Internet, scams are common. It is therefore essential to look for the name Lycium Barbarum, the variety of goji richest in nutrients, in the list of ingredients. Finally, those who don’t like to snack can fall back on juices (choose them 100% goji) which have recently arrived in the food supplements section, to be used as a one or two month treatment at the start of winter.

Good to know: as goji berries are particularly stimulating, it is recommended to consume them at the start of the day.

Necessary precautions before consuming goji berries

Goji berries are not recommended :

pregnant or breastfeeding women, because they have a stimulating action on the uterus, children under 7 years old, people allergic to foods from the nightshade family, people following anticoagulant treatment.

Consumption of goji berries may have side effects: nausea, headaches, stomach aches, etc. These ailments are generally temporary and fade over time.

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[Dossier] Superfoods, allies of well-being and health – 23 articles to consult

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