2024-01-29 08:01:00
The general administrator of the Neuquén Social Security Institute (ISSN), Daniel Daglio, said that the situation of the ISSN “It is critical and must be addressed urgently.”. In addition, he stressed that “it is a political decision” of the governor not to modify the retirement age.
On Thursday, Rolando Figueroa signed, together with the mayors of the entire province and provincial deputies from different parties, the commitment to defend the ISSN, and They conclusively confirmed that “the retirement age is not touched.”
He said that the ISSN Board of Directors decided to make the request for an increase, by virtue of “the deficit, fundamentally pension fund (retirement fund) but also in the welfare area”. And he explained that “this deficit is precisely due to an imbalance between the amount of assets (workers) and liabilities (retirees).”
“There are 2.56 assets for each liability and the break-even point is 3.42,” he explained. He stressed, in the same way, that “the increase in salaries due to CPI triggered expenditures” and that forced us to look for strategies to face this reality, which coexists with long-standing complications, such as the debt that the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) has with the ISSN since 2017.
The solutions available to the Executive Branch to compensate for the deficits are the increase in personal contributions and employer contributions or the periodic non-refundable contributions from the provincial treasury or the FEDeN (Anticyclical Fund).
In these concepts, in 2023, non-refundable contributions of 5,194 million and 21,742 million pesos were made; However, the deficit persists.
The administrator pointed out that the estimated deficit for this year is 99.4 billion pesos; and stressed that “with this measure what is achieved is to balance the cash flow” and guarantee benefits.
The measure consists of increasing the personal retirement contribution by 4.5%; the employer retirement contribution by 4.5%; the personal assistance contribution by 1.5%; and, the employer contribution for assistance of 1.5%.
The ISSN maintains the retirement age at 55 and 60 years for the general regime while for teachers it is 52 and 55 years for women and men. The police contribute more because they have a different withdrawal scheme. In Anses, the retirement age changed in 1992 when it was increased by 5 years, 60 and 65 years for women and men.
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