Geert Wilders, the Dutch friend of Viktor Orbán and Pityu Bunyós, will also speak at CPAC Hungary

January 25, 2024 – 1:24 p.m

In April, the future Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, will visit Hungary, and he will speak at the CPAC Hungary conference. “Thank you to Miklós Szánthó and the Center for Fundamental Rights for the invitation to CPAC Hungary. I am proud to be there and speak,” wrote the leader of the anti-migration and Eurosceptic Freedom Party (PVV) on Twitter.

This year, the Hungarian edition of the annual superconference (CPAC) organized by the (extreme) right wing of the American Republican Party, CPAC Hungary in Budapest, will be held for the third time, with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as the keynote speaker every year. As in previous years, the Center for Basic Rights, which is generously supported by public funds, is organizing the right-wing conference between April 25 and 26.

CPAC was originally the annual gathering of the American right since the 1970s, the first European forum, CPAC Hungary, was organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights in 2022. The according to the description “the world’s best-known right-wing leaders, researchers and influencers visit CPAC Hungary”, last year, for example, former US President Donald Trump and host Tucker Carlson greeted the participants in a video message.

Last November, Geert Wilders’ populist, far-right and anti-Muslim party received the most votes in the Dutch parliamentary elections, the PVV won 37 seats in the 150-member parliament. It is still a question of what kind of coalition he can form with the other parties and when he can sit in the prime minister’s chair.

The 60-year-old Wilders he has met Viktor Orbán several times too. Last September, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó awarded him the middle cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit, according to the justification, “in recognition of his consistent support for Hungary and his activities to stop the wave of illegal immigration.” In addition to Orbán Wilders, he also maintains a good friendship with Pityu Bunyós, i.e. István Szikora.

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