Second matricide in a week in Santa Fe: a retiree was stabbed to death

2024-01-29 02:35:00

A 35-year-old man stabbed his mother to death at his home in Villa Constitución, in Santa Fe. The aggressor was detained by the police following completing the crime. The victim of the matricide, found at 00:30, was identified as Vilma Susana Del Médico60 years old, and was retired.

The incident occurred this morning at a home located at 700 Florencia Street, in the Barrio Jardín of the Santa Fe town of Villa Constitución, 55 kilometers south of Rosario. Police officers arrived at the scene following a “request for help” to 911. At the door of the house they found the son of the victim, Nicolás G., who had all his clothes covered in blood.

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The 35-year-old man was detained without resistance, sources indicated. Inside the property the police found the victim with multiple stab wounds, no longer vital signs. At the crime scene, knives sent to experts were seized. Medical personnel are expected to evaluate the health status of the sole accused and whether he can be subjected to an imputation hearing.

The Homicide prosecutor on duty at the Second Regional Prosecutor’s Office, Eugenia Lascialandare, intervenes in the case, who ordered that the Investigative Police carry out investigative tasks. shooting entering the home together with a witness, in addition to hijack clothing of the victim and the accused. He also ordered the preservation and survey of the scene the fact, trace survey and take testimonials to neighbors and people who can provide data of interest.

Preventive detention for a man accused of killing his mother and her partner

A former prefect was charged last Thursday with preventive detention as accused of the double crime of his mother and her partnercommitted last Saturday in a home in the Santa Fe city of Rosario and, for the prosecution, the suspect attacked the woman “untimely” and surprised the man “defenseless” while he was resting in his bed, judicial sources reported.

The measure was issued by First Instance Judge Rodrigo Santana, within the framework of the imputation hearing held this followingnoon at the Rosario Criminal Justice Center. Judicial spokespersons reported that the suspect, identified as Mauricio Marionsini, 33 years old, was accused as the “author” of the “homicide qualified by the link, by mediating a gender context, by cruelty and by treachery”, from his mother Tamara Marionsini, 53 years old. They also charged him with “homicide qualified by cruelty and treachery; and aggravated robbery” by Silvio Martini (65), partner of the murdered woman.

During the indictment hearing, the prosecutor of the Intentional Homicide Unit, Alejandro Ferlazzoattributed to Marioncini Jr. the incident that occurred on Saturday the 20th, at approximately 3 o’clock, inside Vera Mújica’s home at 4800, south of Rosario, where a family store. The sequence recounted by the prosecutor enjoyed abundant details since The incident was recorded on cameras. that the property had installed and, in addition, the alleged murderer left a note in which he detailed the criminal plan.

After carrying out the double crime, the former prefect apparently stole money from the cash register of the family store

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According to the prosecutor, on the ground floor of the property, The accused “suddenly” attacked his mother with a white-handled knife “of the type that butchers use”. For Ferlazzo, the former Argentine Naval Prefecture officer stabbed her mother in different parts of her body, “with the intention of causing her death.” It all happened at a time when the woman had turned off the light in the warehouse next to the house and was trying to go from the shop to the dining room through the door that divides both sectors.

Then, the prosecutor detailed that the accused “He ran to the bedroom located a few meters from the dining room where Silvio Martini was sleeping.his mother’s partner, and also stabbed him when he was helpless on the bed”, leaving him badly injured. “Next, He returned carrying the knife to the area where his mother was lying and continued stabbing her. in different parts of the body and hitting her,” the prosecutor said. “He dragged her from the warehouse area to the dining room while she was still injured with vital signs,” Ferlazzo continued.

Then the man He went back to Martini, who had managed to crawl from his bed to the dining room area and there continued stabbing him in different parts of the body. When both victims were found still alive, The man finished them off using suffocation maneuvers in the neck and face area., concluded the prosecutor. According to the forensic doctors, Martini died from a “serious left cervical and pulmonary vascular injury caused by a knife”, while the woman died from a “serious cervical and pulmonary vascular injury caused by a knife”.

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After completing the double crime, The former prefect apparently stole money from the cash register of the family store, he told it on the dining room table, took both victims’ cell phones and changed the clothes he was wearing. Then, He placed the bodies in two nylon bags large ones used in construction and hid them in a storage room in the garden of the property, while placing bloody sheets and clothes in a washing machine; and cleaned up blood from the crime scenerevealed the prosecutor.

Likewise, the reconstruction of the incident showed that the accused tried to communicate via text message with the employees of his mother’s warehouse, posing as her, to tell them not to open the business that morning and remained in place. Later, around 6:50 p.m. that Saturday, following a call to 911 motivated by the suspicions generated by the absence of the merchant In the neighborhood, police personnel were present and, with the help of a neighbor, entered the home and found the bodies of both victims.

At that time, the accused He escaped through the back area of ​​the homeand was arrested three days later in the vicinity of the Rosario Bus Terminal by personnel from the Urban Order Brigade of the local police when he was on board a bus on line 141.


#matricide #week #Santa #retiree #stabbed #death



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