2024-01-27 08:49:19
The combination of glam elements and dialect as seen in Reino Glutberg’s new single hotel Mama heard, is probably rare in German-speaking countries or even a novelty. That makes this single sound very fresh from the kitchen table and expands Glutberg’s repertoire of blues, folk rock and country to include 70s glam touches.
According to Glutberg, the sound sounds a bit as if Bowie guitarist Mick Ronson had borrowed his Spiders from Mars sound from a Stealers Wheel number. The clapping of the song Stuck in the Middle with you from Stealers Wheel included.
Reino Glutberg says thematically and content-wise regarding his single – “Hotel Mama is a hymn of praise to the caring parental home in which many people allow themselves to be pampered into old age. The story of a generation that is in no hurry to find their own home.”
Reino Glutberg’s album “Muas da Wuascht sein” will be released on March 1st on HASN Music.
reino_glutberg on Instagram
Guitar music and concert sketches
#Single #Review #Reino #Glutberg #Hotel #Mama