Yemen’s ‘Youth Movement’ Attacks US Ship – Middle East Crisis Escalates

2024-01-27 14:25:06

Yemenrebel youthsports” On the 26th, anti-ship missiles were used to attack the USS Carney and a British oil tanker.AP quotes anonymousUSAOfficials reported that thisyouthSince the campaign began to attack Red Sea shipping in October last year, U.S. warships have been targeted for attack for the first time, further intensifying the crisis in the Middle East and the Red Sea. The US military immediately retaliated on the 27th by attacking the anti-ship missiles that the youth movement was preparing to launch. On the same day, the youth movement alleged that the Yemen port within its sphere of influence was attacked twice by the United States and Britain.

The U.S. Central Command stated that the Youth Movement launched an anti-ship ballistic missile at the USS Carney patrolling the Gulf of Aden on the 26th. The USS Carney successfully shot down without causing casualties or damage. On the evening of the same day, the British merchant ship “Marin Ruanda” was attacked by an anti-ship ballistic missile. The Kani and other US-led coalition ships rushed to the rescue following hearing the news. Although the youth movement spokesman Sarri did not admit to attacking the Kani, he mentioned attacking the Marshallese-flagged Marin Ruanda and setting it on fire.

Masirah TV, run by the youth movement, reported on the 27th that Ras Issa Port, Yemen’s main oil export terminal, was attacked by US and British air strikes, but the relevant details and the extent of the damage have not yet been disclosed. Central Command announced on social media

The Associated Press pointed out that the Iranian-backed youth movement has now directly attacked a US warship, which is the most dramatic escalation of the Red Sea shipping crisis so far. Washington has previously tried to downplay its attack on the youth movement, saying it is difficult to determine the exact targets of the youth movement, in part to prevent the fighting between Israel and the Palestinian armed group Hamas since October from spilling over into a regional war. .

Bowman, senior director of the Center for Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington think tank, said it was important to acknowledge that the attack on the 26th was directly aimed at a U.S. warship. Although attempts to downplay the relevant wording or response were intended to avoid the spread of the conflict, they instead Boost youth sports arrogance. The United States and its allies had suspended attacks on the arms strongholds of the youth movement for several weeks, but finally launched operations to attack the youth movement’s strongholds that were considered an imminent threat.

Since last year, the youth movement has repeatedly attacked ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for Israel’s attack on the Gaza Strip. Many ships that have no clear connection with Israel have been affected. On the 24th, two American ships carrying cargo for the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon were attacked by the youth movement, forcing the escorting U.S. ships to open fire and intercept them. The attack on a Red Sea oil tanker highlighted the geopolitical risks faced by crude oil supply, causing international oil prices to hit a new high in the past two months on the 26th.

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