Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Challenges GOP Senator Kevin Cramer on Senate Border Deal – The Ingraham Angle

2024-01-27 03:02:00

Fox News host Laura Ingraham pressed North Dakota Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer on the GOP’s response to the ongoing border crisis, saying the Senate deal appears to be the “same old trick” from lawmakers.

Cramer appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss the ongoing negotiations between Senate lawmakers attempting to strike a border deal. Ingraham, however, questioned the North Dakota senator on the potential bill, calling out how it appeared to be the “same old trick” with “omnibus spending bills.” (RELATED: Dems Say Biden Should Seize Control Of Texas’ National Guard — But Here’s What They Aren’t Telling You)

“But Senator, I’ve been here so much longer than you and I don’t mean to call rank, ’cause you’re a senator. But this is the same old trick they always pull. They pulled it with ObamaCare. They pull it with these omnibus spending bills that horrify most Americans when they see what’s in them. It’s like, ‘Okay, let’s hurry up and negotiate — and we’ve been doing it for four months, but now you have 72 hours to read 700 pages, go.’ That’s no way to legislate. It’s a complete and utter scam, and that’s what’s happening here,” Ingraham stated.

While Cramer agreed that it was not a way to legislate, he pushed back on the Fox Host host, saying that there are certain negotiations that have allegedly been “agreed” upon, due to lawmakers stating them “out loud.” The Fox News host questioned Cramer if he had “faith” that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas would abide by the new bill.

“It certainly is not — except that nobody’s called for the vote. I don’t know how much time we’re going to have to, to make the decision following we actually get to see the text. But the things that we have — that we do know that all the negotiators agreed to, because they say it out loud — are there are some real triggers,” Cramer stated.

“There is expedited removal at the border. They are building an infrastructure that requires people to turn around the same day up to a certain amount — raising the standard for asylum, credible fear standard, raising that higher. Doing away with the broad stroke of, of everybody being on parole. So there are some good things in the right direction,” he added.

“And you actually endorsed Donald Trump, I know, in December, and he is completely once morest this. He said, ‘look, wait until I get in there. You don’t need all that stuff to do this right,’ and he’s right regarding that,” Ingraham argued.

“But you’re saying tonight that, given what’s happen over the last three years, you actually have faith that pieces of paper are going to make Alejandro Mayorkas  — who’s regarding to be impeached by the House, or might be impeached by the House — actually enforce these new provisions when he’s not enforcing the old ones?”

Cramer attempted to say if they did “nothing” then Mayorkas would “not be a better DHS Secretary,” in which Ingraham pressed once more by stating that he would be giving Biden a “political cover.” (RELATED: ‘Don’t Mess With Texas’: Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick Tells Biden To ‘Get Out Of Our Way’)

“But you’re giving Biden cover – you’re giving Biden political cover in an election year. Why would you do that, given what this man has done to our country?” Ingraham questioned.

“Well, I think — Listen, I endorsed Donald Trump early this time and I endorsed him really early the last time,” Cramer stated. “Having said all of that, there was no question Donald Trump will use these tools to much greater effect than Joe Biden does. But I don’t think we should reserve the crisis for, you know, October to give Joe Biden cover because anybody that knows anything knows Joe Biden has already lost this argument. He’s already allowed 10 million people into the interior of the country, illegally. So it’s not like he’s going to one day be known as the guy who took care of the border crisis.”

The ongoing battle of control over the Texas border between state officials and the Biden Administration escalated this week following a ruling Monday from the Supreme Court allowing DHS officials to tear down razor wire put in place by Texas authorities to slow illegal immigrants crossing. GOP lawmakers have been sounding off on the crisis for months, with Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson refusing late last year to grant foreign aid until the border was addressed.

The move by Johnson forced Senate lawmakers to come up with a bill that might be approved by the House. Senate members have continued to claim that a deal was coming together. However, many GOP lawmakers have already claimed concerns over the potential bill.

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