Victim of domestic violence, actress Judith Chemla tells her story in a book

The photos of his swollen face, published on Instagram in July 2022, made the rounds in the media. In his book, Our silence left us alone, published by Robert Laffont this Thursday, January 25, the actress Judith Chemla speaks once more regarding the violence inflicted by her ex-companion and father of her daughter, the actor and director Yohan Manca. The latter, sentenced for these facts to eight months in prison, is not the only one to appear in this poignant story, of which The world delivers some extracts from the good sheets.

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Without naming the perpetrators of the violence she describes – she calls them “the prince” and “the wolf” – the 38-year-old actress also discusses her violent relationship with another man, the actor and director of renowned James Thierrée, with whom she was in a relationship ten years previously. Bullying, screams and blows rain down on the actress in her story.

“Drops of blood bead in the silence”

Judith Chemla recounts, for example, a meal which begins calmly, and suddenly degenerates when her then partner bursts into anger and throws his plate at her. “He raises her to shoulder height and throws her violently onto the large wooden table. A few centimeters from me. The plate explodes. A ceramic shard hurts me above the eye. Drops of blood bead in the silence,” she wrote, referring to her “stunnedness” that followed.

READ ALSO “Violence once morest women is structural to all societies” The height of violence is reached when she decides to leave the father of her first child: “My first words put him beside himself. His face distorts; he throws himself at me, without momentum, like a wild beast. […] He is kneeling on me. I have all his weight on my chest and he holds me by the throat. » And to quote his attacker: “‘Bitch! Whore! What are you doing to me? Monster ! Monster ! I hate you ! What are you doing to me?” He’s strangling me. »

“A war is really underway”

Judith Chemla’s story also looks back on her testimony on Instagram, and the background to her interview with France Inter in 2022, during which she accused her former companion of continuing to put pressure on her. “I am shaken, shocked myself by my speech, by the dazzlingness of its impact,” she explains, noting that she was “attacked, seriously, and for a long time”.

“A war is really underway”, she assures regarding violence once morest women, “the weapons used once morest us are heavy”. “If a man died every two to three days at the hands of his partner, if two hundred and fifty men were raped every twenty-four hours, as is the case today in France for women, we would not balk not to use the term “terrorism”, and to do everything to put an end to it,” she concludes on this subject.

Contacted by The MondeJames Thierrée denied the facts that Judith Chemla accuses him of: “I cannot explain these accusations, which I firmly contest and which upset me,” he declared.



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