The Importance of Sacraments, Dignity, and Faith: Insights from Pope Francis at the Vatican

2024-01-26 19:28:44

The Pope spoke regarding the importance of sacraments, dignity and faith during a January 26 meeting with members of the Dicastery at the Vatican following the plenary session of the Dicastery for Catechism.

C. Rubini Chinnappan CTC, Vatican News

The teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals help the Pope and the bishops to evangelize the world by making deep intellectual inquiries to answer the questions that arise in the faith tradition and at the same time. The Pope began his sermon by quoting the Apostolic Constitution, the Evangelium, which states that this is the responsibility of the Dicastery for teaching the faith.

In order to achieve this goal, the Pope explained that on February 11, 2022, through the motu proprio, Fedem Servare, two divisions were created within the Dicastery for Doctrines and Disciplines. The Pope said that he had asked the head of the Dicastery to ensure the presence of experts in these two categories.

Pope Francis explained them by saying that the three terms sacraments, dignity and faith will help the Dicastery working on the intellectual levels of faith in the context of the dispensation that marks our time.

the sacraments

The life of the Church is enriched and nurtured through the sacraments. Therefore those who administer the sacraments need special care in administering them. The Pope said they should also reveal to the faithful the treasure of grace that the sacraments provide. Through the sacraments believers become capable of prophecy and testimony. The Pope reminded us to love and inspire to love the sacraments, which provide saving power, especially since in our time we need prophets and witnesses of new life and love.


Quoting the apostolic exhortation Lovedate Devum, the Holy Father said that we as Christians must insist on the primacy of the human person and the protection of his dignity above all circumstances. In the document being prepared by the Dicastery for the Teaching of Faith, the Pope called on them to protect the rights of the oppressed and to work to realize a new dream of fraternity and social friendship without limiting them to words.


Borrowing from Pope Benedict XVI’s motu proprio porta fidei, Pope Francis, borrowing from Pope Benedict XVI’s motu proprio porta fidei, recalled the tenth year of the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and the approaching jubilee year, and the need to pray for faith in today’s world, especially to young generations, and to church systems and pastors. and of the apostle’s repentance The need was also highlighted. In addition, the Pope highlighted the challenges posed by new urban cultures and the central nature of the Church’s evangelization. The Pope said that the preservation of the faith requires the help of the Dicastery to help the whole community to adopt the synodal method through reflection and discernment, a pastoral conversion and a special missionary mission.

Underlining the importance of fiduciary supplication in this type of evangelization, the Pope’s pastoral blessing emphasized that the closeness of the Lord and the Church is for individuals in various situations who seek help to move forward in their journey of faith. Papa clarified two things once more. Moral perfection is not required to receive these blessings which are given outside the liturgy; When individuals come together voluntarily to ask for a blessing, the blessing is not the relationship but only the individuals. Papa clarified. The Holy Father concluded his sermon by thanking them for their service and encouraging them to continue with the Lord’s help.

#Pope #Francis #highlighted #importance #sacraments #dignity #faith



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