Mountain Caller – Chronicle II: Hypergenesis

2024-01-25 08:00:55

(c) Mountain Caller

Almost without words and yet anything but speechless – something like that Mountain Caller her latest work. The trio from London limits vocal performances to an absolute minimum and instead lets the music do the talking. And this works wonderfully in the post or prog context, because the mixture of subtle melodies, narrative complexity and closely interwoven arrangements works once once more. „Chronicle II: Hypergenesis“ takes hold immediately and doesn’t let go.

“Dead Language” is rather the exception with its vocals, that’s clear, but Mountain Caller would actually do really well with vocals – simply because bassist El Reeve’s voice is good. And yet for long stretches it seems like just another instrument in this sea of ​​traces. The effervescent middle part, which suggests a bit of heaviness, is particularly fun to listen to, while the post-rock endings play with tension all around. Not for the last time, the pulsating bassline stands out, which literally burns under your fingernails and underlines the drive of the prog approach.

In general, the depth of these fanfares, which always know how to shed their skin, is impressive. “March Of The Göll” is certainly one of the harder tracks and avoids any false modesty. Nevertheless, the jazzy-tinged caesuras grip very firmly, exuding something meditative in the midst of the shadowy chaos, before they are dismantled once more with the foam-braked steam hammer. “Daybreak”, the magical to graceful opener, which allows several threads and ideas to run in parallel, is also exciting. Melodic approaches mix once more and once more, drive over them with the post-hammer of distortion and find their hopeful self.

Although it takes a while for the full power of this album to unfold, any patience is worth it twice or threefold. Yes, despite its superficial accessibility, “Chronicle II: Hypergenesis” is anything but a simple album, but that shouldn’t bother you in the least. The details and suspense that Mountain Caller have packed in here commands respect, especially since they both turn classic prog ideas on their head and mix up the post-prefix. An exciting, lively narrative awaits between the chairs, constantly growing and growing. Heavy second album? But definitely not!

Rating: 8/10

Available from: January 26, 2024
Available via: Church Road Records


Tags: chronicle ii hypergenesis, mountain caller, post metal, post rock, progressive metal, progressive rock, review

Category: Magazin, Reviews

#Mountain #Caller #Chronicle #Hypergenesis



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