The Final Conviction: Details of the Mont-sur-Lausanne Cash Transporter Attack Case

2024-01-26 15:18:29

The conviction of one of the perpetrators of the attack on a cash transporter in June 2019 in Mont-sur-Lausanne is final. The Federal Court rejects the appeal of this Algerian and confirms the sentence of 11 years of detention handed down by the Vaud courts.

In October 2022, the appellant was found guilty of robbery and qualified damage to property, violation of the weapons law and theft of use of a vehicle. The Vaud Cantonal Court held that this forty-year-old, already convicted in France for the attack on a post office followed by a hostage-taking, had played an active role in Mont.

The forty-year-old had been seriously burned by the fire started by his accomplices in order to erase their traces. He was then taken across France to Spain for treatment. It was in the burns department of Alicante hospital that he was arrested on July 5, 2019.

Blank bullets

Thus, it seems “unthinkable” that the thugs acted with such professionalism and determination while armed with unloaded weapons. They knew that they would have to face armed escorts and that a rapid arrival of the police might not be ruled out.

The judges also point out that by equipping themselves with assault rifles, the robbers were already putting themselves in serious danger because this might encourage the police to shoot more easily. Finally, one of them had grabbed the loaded gun from a conveyor. From that moment on, there might no longer be any doubt on this point.

Lack of scruples

For the Federal Court, the 11-year sentence does not seem exaggerated given the significant and sophisticated means involved as well as the lack of scruples of the perpetrators – they had threatened to douse a conveyor with gasoline and had pointed the cannon of a gun on his neck.

Several suspects were arrested in the Lyon region in November 2020. They are waiting to appear before French justice. Finally, the loot worth 20 to 25 million francs was not found. (judgment 7B_13/2023 of October 19, 2023)

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