Dog feces attack by choreographers: Dachshund Gustav is dead

2024-01-26 14:24:42

Marco Goecke was celebrated as a choreographer, but outside the dance scene he became known in a completely different way – with the help of his dachshund: the former ballet director of the Hanover State Opera smeared dog feces on a critic. The animal legacy came from his dachshund Gustav. Now, according to a report in the “Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung” (Friday), Gustav has died.

“A big part of me is gone,” the former ballet director told the newspaper. His animal companion died on November 29, 2023 – at the age of 15 years and 4 months.

Thanks to the dog poop attack, the four-legged friend became famous, as did his owner. On February 11, 2023, Goecke smeared dog feces on an author from the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” in the foyer of the opera in the Lower Saxony state capital. He had previously accused her of always writing “bad, personal” reviews. The Hanover State Theater separated from the choreographer in the week after the attack. According to the artistic director, his contract as ballet director was terminated by mutual agreement with immediate effect.

At the end of November, the proceedings against Goecke were discontinued in return for a fine. A spokeswoman for the Hanover public prosecutor’s office said at the time that smearing a journalist with dog feces was considered a physical insult.

“This is a difficult time, but we had a lot of time together in 2023,” Goecke told the paper. According to the report, Gustav recently had difficulty walking. His master often carried him around town in a bag.

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