2024-01-25 18:45:49
The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division announced that, “On January 18, 2024, the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI) presented the first episode of a program entitled (Hello, State). This episode included a lot of contempt, slander, and abuse of the Lebanese state through… Contempt of its flag and national anthem, and directing insults in a lowly and vulgar manner far from patriotism, morals, and professionalism, including malice and hatred towards the institution of the Internal Security Forces. The actors wore military uniforms in addition to weapons and equipment without a license, and played roles in vulgar and insulting scenarios and dialogues.
Members of the Internal Security Forces, despite the difficult economic and living conditions they suffer from, remain steadfast in the face of crimes until martyrdom in order to preserve the security of the nation and citizens. This program, which is offensive and unpatriotic to say the least, was broadcast. They felt extremely insulted, and began to feel ashamed in front of their children. And their families, as communications were received to the General Directorate from officers and members in active service and retirees urging us to stop this program.
His presentation also raised disapproval and astonishment among people who knew that this program was flawed, and many of them took the initiative to contact the Internal Security Forces to express their anger and dissatisfaction, and to inquire regarding what we have done regarding this matter that violates public morals and morals, is devoid of national dignity, and destroys and demolishes the last remnants of the city. The foundations of the state and the system.
This work cannot be justified by saying that the program is a comedy program, but rather a destructive program, as these programs are usually the most popular and most watched, and therefore the messages they carry enter deeply into the viewer’s conscience and thought, and thus become the most influential on public opinion, shaping it and directing it towards goals related to the writers, directors, and producers. And promoters, and we have many examples of comedy programs that almost led the country into strife and events with unfortunate consequences.
Despite our respect and full commitment to public rights and freedoms in accordance with what was stipulated in Article 1 of Law 17/90 (the Internal Security Forces Organization Law), and what was included in the Lebanese Constitution in its introduction and articles, which required the exercise of these rights and freedoms within the applicable legal frameworks.
Whereas the presentation of this program violated Article 384 of the Penal Code by insulting and mocking the Lebanese flag and the national anthem, and directly affected the morale of the Internal Security Forces institution and the morale of its members, placing them in a position of ridicule far from the truth and reality.
Whereas the presentation of this episode violates many Lebanese laws, especially: Law 11/27/1947, the Television and Radio Broadcasting Law, the Lebanese Penal Code and the Law Regulating the Military Judiciary.
Knowing that this program is far from responsible freedom and has not witnessed anything like it in terms of direct insult once morest national symbols, especially the Lebanese flag and the national anthem, and contempt of the institution of the Internal Security Forces by insulting its members, and misleading that falsely portrays its duties and true performance.
In the face of all this, the Internal Security Forces adhered to the applicable laws, as they exercised their right to claim through a complaint that they sent to the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities in order to refer it to the Cases Authority in the Ministry of Justice, which was entrusted by law to represent the Lebanese state in its various departments.
Source: The official website of the Internal Security Forces
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