What are the benefits of Kale?

2024-01-24 14:25:00

Already a favorite of “Kal-ifornians” like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Anne Hathaway and Barack Obama, the chou kale is a superfood that deserves to be known and consumed!

An ancient vegetable, kale (pronounced kel) is a green vegetable from the brassica family (formerly cruciferous) like horseradish, watercress, kale, turnips, arugula, radishes… Unlike green cabbage, red cabbage, it It’s an unheaded cabbage. Since the Middle Ages, it has been used a lot to feed animals and less and less for human food. Since the turn of the 21st century – and first in the United States – kale has experienced renewed interest due to its many nutritional qualities.

What are the nutritional benefits of kale?

Pour 100 g de chou kale cru :

Calories: 44 kcal Protein: 4.3 g Fat: 0.9 g Carbohydrates: 2.5 g Dietary fiber: 4.2 g Calcium: 212 mg Iron: 1.9 mg Magnesium: 31 mg Potassium: 451 mg Vitamin A: 876 mg Vitamin K: 817 mg Vitamin C: 105 mg Vitamins B9: 187 mg But also: manganese, copper, vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, B6, etc.

To remember ? Its interesting content of micronutrients, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

What are the health benefits of kale?

Kale for transit and digestion

A source of fiber and, in particular, cellulose, kale is recommended to improve intestinal transit.

Kale and cholesterol

Kale is an anti-cholesterol ally? Quite ! Thanks to its pectin content, a soluble fiber which helps reduce blood levels of bad cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol).

Kale for eye health

His strong point? Its content of natural carotenoids and, in particular, lutein and zeaxanthin which will, at the same time, contribute to preventing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and also preserve the eyes of harmful effects of blue light.

Kale is rich in vitamins C and A, two antioxidants that protect our cells from premature aging. A good reason to consume it without moderation!

Kale to hydrate

Made up of 86% water, kale is a food rich in water which will promote hydration of the body, as is the case with many other vegetables.

Kale as an appetite suppressant

Thanks to its high fiber content, kale is firm without making you gain weight. A good point when looking for a healthy snack to satisfy a little hunger pangs.

Studies are still lacking to confirm the benefits of consuming kale leaves in the prevention of certain cancers. However, the results are promising since several observers establish a link between regular consumption of cabbage or vegetables from the brassica family (watercress, turnip, horseradish, radish) and a lower risk of developing certain cancers, such as oral cancer, of the pharynx, larynx, cancers of the stomach, esophagus, bladder, lung, breast cancer and colon cancer.

Does kale make you lose weight?

Low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, kale is an interesting food when you’re looking to lose weight! And for good reason: fibers, by filling, allow you to achieve satiety without eating ‘too much’. Result ? Kale will fill a little gap without making you gain weight.

LDoes kale have any flaws?

The superfood is so popular that we are right to ask ourselves the question. And rightly so: although it ticks a lot of boxes, kale still has a drawback: like all other cabbages, it can cause irritation in people suffering from irritable bowel. If this is the case, it is better to eat it cooked because it will then be less irritating!

Kale season lasts from October to March. Ideally it should be consumed within a few days of purchase because it spoils quite quickly (1 week). To consume it, wash each leaf, remove the stems and veins. Then, it can be eaten both raw and cooked. Raw, its nutritional value is greater, it is eaten in smoothies or salads, for a vitamin and mineral cure. To best preserve the nutritional benefits of Kaleit is preferably consumed cru, in salad, which is served with pieces of apple, nuts or sesame seeds for example. Cooked, it is less nutritionally interesting but will be better tolerated by people with irritable intestines. It is cooked in quiche, in soup, as an accompaniment to meat and pousons, etc. Quick cooking methods such as wok or steam cooking also allow good preservation of the benefits of Kale.
#benefits #Kale



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