Understanding Circular Hair Loss: Treatments and Tips for Managing Alopecia Areata

2024-01-25 08:00:00

Baierbrunn (ots)

Suddenly there are bald, coin-sized spots on the scalp. Sometimes they get bigger. The gaps can also appear in the beard or other parts of the body: circular hair loss, also known as alopecia areata, is harmless, but puts a lot of strain on those affected. Around 1.7 million people in Germany live with it. The cause is probably a malfunction of the immune system, in which the body’s own defenses attack the hair roots. Circular hair loss and type 1 diabetes sometimes occur together. The pharmacy magazine “Diabetes Guide” explains what you can do regarding bald spots.

In any case, patience is required

Anti-inflammatory preparations with cortisone are often administered to treat circular hair loss. It is available as a solution or shampoo to be applied to the scalp or – in severe cases – in tablet form or as an injection. If you have diabetes, this can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Therefore, check your blood sugar regularly and adjust the insulin dose if necessary. An alternative is to essentially distract the immune system. The scalp is treated with an irritating tincture, which causes mild inflammation. This is called topical sensitization or topical stimulation therapy. Instead of further attacking the hair roots, the immune cells are encouraged to heal the inflammation.

For severe alopecia areata, medications that inhibit the immune system can be used, but they have many side effects. “And they increase the risk of serious infections,” warns Prof. Dr. Karsten Müssig, head physician at the Clinic for Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Diabetology at Franziskus Hospital Harderberg. There is no guarantee that the medication will work. And they usually have to be paid for themselves. Because they only improve hair growth, they are considered “lifestyle medicines.” When it comes to circular hair loss, the most important thing is patience.

This report is only free for publication if the source is cited. The pharmacy magazine “Diabetes Ratgeber” 1/2024 is currently available in most pharmacies. Lots of other interesting health news can be found at https://www.diabetes-ratgeber.net as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Press contact:

Julie von Wangenheim, Head of Corporate Communications
Katharina Neff-Neudert, PR-Manager
Tel.: 089/744 33-360
E-Mail: presse@wubv.de

Original content from: Wort & Bild Verlagsgruppe – health reports, transmitted by news aktuell

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