Alberto Weretilneck’s Hospitalization in Cipolletti: Updates and Information

2024-01-23 15:58:00
Alberto Weretilneck was admitted to Cipolletti. (@Weretilneck)

The governor of the province of Río Negro, Alberto Weretilneck, remains hospitalized today in a health center in Cipolletti, a city where he attended yesterday to participate in the inauguration of a fruit plant. Then, as he had planned, a preventive coronary checkup was performed, which finally led to the placement of a stent.

Sources close to the Rio Negro Government consulted by Infobae stated that it was a “routine checkup,” which Weretlineck had already “planned” in advance.

“He had no discomfort. The checkup was yesterday and the stent was scheduled for today. The checkups are regular,” they told this medium.

According to the official medical report of the Río Negro and Neuquén Medical Foundation, Governor Weretilneck attended that health center to undergo a “preventive cardiovascular checkup.” However, once there he was diagnosed with “partial obstruction of a coronary artery (circumflex artery) that was amenable to treatment with transluminal angioplasty with stent placement.”

With the signatures of doctors Demetrio Thalasselis and Alejandro Schroeder, medical and general directors of the institution respectively, the report indicated that the “procedure was successful and was carried out without complications.”

“The patient remains under observation for 24 hours. at the Río and Neuquén Medical Foundation,” the text concludes.

Through a press release issued by the Government of Río Negro, the family of the provincial leader thanked the doctors and the entire team of the aforementioned medical center for the care provided. Likewise, they indicated that “the community will be kept informed” regarding the evolution of Weretilneck.

Weretlineck was in the city of Cipolletti on the occasion of the inauguration of a stone fruit processing plant of a fruit company that “will generate new jobs for more than eighty families in the Upper Valley,” as he himself highlighted in the publication he made today following 10 in the morning. Although the event was yesterday followingnoon, it was only this Tuesday that he shared the images of his participation. And then he went to the health center for the corresponding cardiovascular check-up.

Before his hospitalization, Governor Alberto Weretilneck participated in the inauguration of a stone fruit processing plant of a fruit company in Cipolletti.

Weretilneck is one of the four Patagonian governors who want to set up a new interbloc to be the arbiter of votes in the Senate. The initial idea of ​​the oil leaders was to announce it this week, although some doubts persist regarding the scope of the budding space and the possibility of linking two missionary legislators.

The initial intention of the governors Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén), Claudio Vidal (Santa Cruz) and Weretilneck was to take advantage of last Wednesday’s meeting of the Federal Organization of Hydrocarbon Producing States (OFEPHI) to promote the new interblock . However, this was delayed even before said conclave, as they acknowledged to this media during the morning of that day.

#governor #Río #Negro #Alberto #Weretilneck #interned



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