SPÖ-Kucher/Greiner on cash-splitting: “Black and blue PR insults torn apart by the Court of Auditors”

2024-01-23 12:06:06

All promises made by the ÖVP and FPÖ have been broken: instead of savings and billions for patients, there are additional costs, and instead of service harmonization, there is more two-tier medicine

Vienna (OTS/SK) – The damning report by the Court of Auditors on the black-blue dismantling of health insurance companies exposes every single promise made by the ÖVP and FPÖ. Instead of saving a billion, enormous additional costs are incurred every year. Instead of harmonization of services, there is a progression of two-tier medicine. Instead of an additional billion for patients, today we have a healthcare system in which everything is crashing. SPÖ club chairman Philip Kucher and SPÖ Court of Audit spokeswoman Karin Greiner summarize: “The Court of Auditors confirms in black and white that black and blue is not a good idea for your health! Every promise that Kurz, Strache and the entire black and blue team made was broken. The billion patients was a blatant lie!” ****

Kucher urgently warns of impending consequences for millions of insured people: “The botched collapse of the cash register must not lead to patients now being asked to pay for the political failure of the ÖVP and FPÖ. Instead of equally good services for everyone, there is a threat of cuts and reductions in health services.” The Court of Auditors report also mercilessly shows that the services in the various health insurance funds have not been standardized to the highest level, as promised. “Politicians continue to receive better services than others – it cannot stay that way,” said Kucher.

Greiner states: “The only thing left from this fiasco are horrendous costs for logos, consulting contracts and on the one hand and increasing private costs in health on the other. From the patient’s point of view, definitely nothing positive.” (Conclusion) lk/lp

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#SPÖKucherGreiner #cashsplitting #Black #blue #insults #torn #Court #Auditors



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