The figures which prove that the Princess Grace Hospital Center is in full health in Monaco

2024-01-23 09:15:00

There was a crowd – as usual – on this Monday noon in the Hera room of the Princesse-Grace Hospital Center, where staff and personalities flocked to attend the greeting ceremony of the establishment’s general director, Benoîte Rousseau-De Sevelinges who received Prince Albert II to take stock of the past year and outline the prospects for the one that is starting.

A year of transition for the hospital, which should take possession of part of its new premises by 2026 and is already preparing this small revolution. “The year 2024 will be that of the transformation of our organizations. First by stabilizing the hypotheses of composition of the different services, to initiate the design of work organizations. This will involve proposing an innovative framework, adapted to the expectations of patients and professionals. The new hospital must offer a more attractive environment to our users, as well as to those who keep the establishment alive.” assures the general director.

Before the cocktail, in front of a lively audience, she returned to the statistics for the year 2023, showing hospital activity in full health in her establishment.

9% more activity in operating theaters

Indeed, last year, the hospital took care of 83,000 patients, almost a quarter of whom were new. In total, 145,000 days of hospitalization were recorded, or 7% more than in 2022.

Where the statistics are progressing, it is also in the operating theaters. Activity in 2023 was up 9%,”well beyond the performances displayed by comparable establishments”, specifies Benoîte Rousseau-De Sevelinges for whom “These data demonstrate the renewed attractiveness of the establishment, which continues its quest for permanent improvement in the quality, safety and efficiency of the care offering.”

Patient surveys showed that 92% would recommend CHPG to their loved ones. A satisfaction that Prince Albert II recognized by attending the ceremony this Monday to salute the work of the 2,800 agents.who will experience this establishment which is so important for the Principality.”

During his speech, the sovereign opened up the perspectives of the hospital in the light of its transformation. “Everyone agrees to recognize the importance of our hospital on the national level, but also on the regional level in the neighboring country. The CHPG cannot operate in self-sufficiency. We must work on functioning between health establishments spread across Monegasque territory. It is in the best interests of Monegasques and residents. I encourage my government to continue the discussions initiated with the highest French authorities to strengthen health cooperation between our two countries. The CHPG must integrate into the healthcare offering in the Eastern Alpes-Maritimes by offering medical specialties with a very high level of service. Only the well-being of the patient in our care must guide our actions.”

Advances in robotic surgery

With this in mind, if the year 2023 was marked by the overhaul of the emergency service, pooling the adult center and the child center, or by the ten years of the Rainier-III Center, housing the gerontological sector of the establishment, it is in robotic surgery that the CHPG dominated its environment this year.

“In 2021, in the midst of the Covid crisis, by acquiring two robots, we had the ambition to become a leader in robotic digestive surgery and to reach the level of competence already acquired in robotic urological surgery and then in robotic gynecological surgery”, recalled Benoîte Rousseau-de Sevelinges. “Two years later, Doctor Maurice Chazal [chef de service de chirurgie viscérale, NDLR] took his team towards excellence and the CHPG became an expert center in robotic surgery. One of the few with this expertise in all three areas.”

An evolution in line with the princely will. The sovereign recalled that a “Modern hospitals must adapt to advances in science and the use of artificial intelligence which are no longer subjects of tomorrow. I wanted my government to commit to the path of a modern, scalable, functional hospital equipped with cutting-edge technologies in order to guarantee a high level of quality under the authority of the Department of Health and Christophe Robino, in whom I have complete confidence to make major decisions.”

The first delivery phase of the new CHPG is scheduled for 2026.

“Only the well-being of the patient in our care must guide our actions,” recalled the sovereign. Photo Michael Alési/Princely Palace.

The hospital of tomorrow is being organized today

Clearly visible, the shell of the future hospital, currently taking shape in front of the current building, reminds the teams that its commissioning is only a matter of months. In this sense, the CHPG is transforming its healthcare offering, with patient care by pathway within the hospital. A way of foreshadowing the new and innovative organizations of the future CHPG, “guaranteeing a caring environment for patients and professionals”, hopes Benoîte Rousseau-De Sevelinges. Who recalled during his vows that the teams, too, were evolving.

In 2023, four heads of department left the hospital, seven others will leave in the next two years. Which implies the arrival of “new talents”, explains the general director, citing Doctor Diane Lazare at the head of the ENT department, Professor Giuseppe Lusardi in interventional radiology and Doctor Lauris Gastaud in internal medicine hemato-oncology.

The hospital’s governance, which intends to make the decision-making process transversal, is also repositioning itself with a new operations department, embodied by Stéphane Sweertvaegher, active since last spring.

The pharmacy is transforming

Behind the scenes, the CHPG continues its digital transformation. Now, 90% of services have a completely electronic patient file. Artificial intelligence solutions are present in several services. And a patient portal has been launched, which allows you to make an appointment online, download test results, complete questionnaires, and monitor your state of health in the most participatory way possible.

More original, the CHPG pharmacy, under the direction of Doctor Catherine Cucchi, is preparing its future as a “robotic and computerized” pharmacy in the future hospital. A shift which today requires completely transforming the organization and working methods. “The first results are promising,” underlines the director.

Tribute to André Garino

He was “the president, the wise man, the benevolent protector” of the Princess Grace Hospital Center. With emotion in her voice, Benoîte Rousseau-De Sevelinges paid tribute this Monday morning to André Garino, who died on October 23, who, for twelve years, chaired the hospital’s board of directors. “None of us will forget it,” assured the director of the establishment, with affection.

In turn, the sovereign had “a moved thought” for André Garino, recalling that “the various missions that he has carried out in recent years with unwavering dedication have marked the history of the Principality and its institutions” . In addition to his functions within the CHPG, André Garino was a member of the Crown Council and honorary president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, which he directed for many years.

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