Swollen clitoris: what causes? | Health Magazine

2024-01-22 14:18:45

What is the clitoris?

The clitoris is a female sexual organ, located inside the vulva, sheltered under the labia majora and positioned at the bottom of the pubic mound.

The sole role of this organ is to provide sexual pleasure. It is made up of a small external part bringing together the glans and the hood of the clitoris, and a very large internal part made up of the corpora cavernosa of the clitoris and the bulbs of the vestibule. The description of its precise anatomy is very recent since it only dates from 2005! Dr Rafael Herrero, gynecologist

The clitoris is made up of erectile tissue, similar to that of the penis in men, and is very sensitive due to its high concentration of nerve endings. “The woman’s clitoris is provided with 8,000 nerve endingswhich is much more than the penis of the man who only has 6,000,” adds the expert.

Size: how tall is he?

If the glans of the clitoris measures only 6 to 8 millimeters, the entire organ measures almost 10 centimetersnamely the equivalent of the palm of a hand.

Cause of swelling: why is my clit getting bigger?

First of all, it should be clarified that the term “swelling” is not a medical term. The clitoris can be subject to fairly significant variations in volume during sexual arousal, but it can also be the site of inflammation, which will then need to be identify the cause in order to take care of it.

Desire and pleasure: sexual arousal in women

Although the term erection is more commonly used for the male sexual organ, clitoral erection does existher too !
“Remember that the male and female genitals come from the same genital material of the fetus, the external clitoris and the glans of the penis have exactly the same structure. During sexual intercourse, we therefore notice an elongation of the clitoris linked to clear vascular congestion: it is the equivalent of an erection in women,” explains Dr. Herrero, gynecologist and sexologist in Paris. Excitement is therefore the primary cause of clitoral swellingis completely normal and physiological!

Inflammation, infection, mycosis, vulvitis

By definition, inflammation is the body’s immediate response to infection or tissue damage.. It exists four characteristic signs of inflammation :

redness, edema (swelling), heat, and pain.

“Inflammation is therefore a the body’s defense reaction to something it identifies as aggressionwhich can be alive (bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.) or not (foreign body, friction, etc.),” summarizes the specialist.

When inflammation is linked to a microbiological pathogen, it is called an infection. It is then necessary to identify the pathogen responsible in order to be able to treat it. Vaginal yeast infections (clitoral mycosesoften caused by candida albicans) and sexually transmitted diseases (including genital herpes) are the most common.

When the inflammation is not infectious, it can be irritant or post-traumatic.

In the case of the clitoris, non-infectious inflammation can be due to irritating sexual intercourse, inappropriate masturbation, excessive friction, shock (bicycle, horse), a nail or razor cut during a full shave, or even a piercing… Dr Herrero

Factors such as sexual abuse or gynecological trauma can also cause inflammation of the clitoris.
Inflammation of the clitoris can be localized to the glans and the hood, or generalized to the entire vulvar area, we can then speak of vulvitis.


Clitoridodynia, also known as chronic clitoral painis a symptom characterized by pain in the clitoris, which may include burning, cutting, stinging sensations, and a feeling of raw skin. Clitodynia can make a woman feel like her clitoris is swollen.

Several factors can cause this symptom: very strong sexual contact, skin irritations due to rashes or household chemicals, or even recurrent infections. Pain in the clitoris can be spontaneous or provoked, for example by sexual intercourse.

It is essential to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate medical diagnosis and appropriate treatment, which will vary depending on the underlying cause of the pain.


Clitoromegaly reflects aabnormal increase in the size of the clitoris. It can be congenital, i.e. present from birth (as in the case of congenital adrenal hyperplasia), or acquired following hormonal imbalances such ashyperandrogenism. Androgen excess is particularly observed in polycystic ovarian syndrome, in male hormone-producing tumors or in individuals who take injectable or oral androgens.

When to consult?

” He is essential to consult as soon as you are embarrassed or in pain : it is not normal to feel pain. The consultation helps avoid chronicity,” insists Dr. Herrero. It is also a difficult area to explore yourself, and even if there is nothing visible, that does not mean that there is nothing to treat or relieve.

Who to consult?

When you are bothered by swelling accompanied by pain in the clitoris, it is essential to consult a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Clitoral pain is often poorly understood, and recourse to a sexologist gynecologist can help “limit a potential delay in diagnosis, medical wandering and the frustration that goes with it,” adds Dr. Herrero.

#Swollen #clitoris #Health #Magazine



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