Germany Funeral Service for Wolfgang Schäuble: Merkel Praises His Financial Policy Expertise in Merz

2024-01-23 06:35:40
Germany Funeral service for Schäuble

Merkel says she always appreciated “his financial policy expertise” in Merz

As of: 07:35 a.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

“He was an extraordinary politician”

In Baden-Württemberg, politicians and relatives say goodbye to Wolfgang Schäuble. After the funeral service, the former President of the Bundestag and Federal Minister will be buried in the Waldbachfriedhof in Offenburg. Historian Ulrich Schlie says on WELT TV that Schäuble embodied the German political system.

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On the sidelines of the funeral service for CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble, former Chancellor Angela Merkel also commented on the current CDU leader Friedrich Merz, praising him for his economic and financial policy expertise – but also admitting differences of opinion.

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) paid tribute to the late former Interior and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). In her cabinets, he was “an anchor of stability, calm and intellectual acumen,” Merkel said on Monday before the funeral ceremony for Schäuble in the Bundestag. Merkel also highlighted his role as an “ardent supporter of German unity” and in overcoming the euro crisis.

Angela Merkel at the memorial service for Wolfgang Schäuble

Source: AP/Annegret Hilse

When asked what she had learned from Schäuble, Merkel said: “Listen well, don’t give up too quickly, debate intellectually sharply and clearly and always find a compromise in the end.” Even in conflicts, she appreciated Schäuble “that he follows up “Looked ahead” and stood up for politics and the country.

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In an interview with ZDF editor-in-chief Bettina Schausten, the former chancellor also commented on her relationship with CDU leader Friedrich Merz. When asked whether the CDU today is more influenced by Schäuble than by her because, unlike Merkel, he has always supported Merz, she said: “Others have to evaluate that. I think we have both made our contributions.” According to Merkel, she “always appreciated his economic and financial policy expertise” regarding Friedrich Merz. “We sometimes had different opinions and sometimes we were also interested in the same position. That happens in politics.”

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In the postscript, Merkel then indirectly compared Schäuble with Merz: With Wolfgang Schäuble, different opinions were not “always an argument,” but rather a “dispute.” “He (Schäuble) might listen, might change his mind. And we always stimulated each other. I thought that was great.”

#Chancellor #Merkel #valued #Merz #financial #policy #expertise



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