Consult your doctor before taking vitamins: Five essential vitamins and the dangers of trans fats

2024-01-22 17:00:00

Jars of vitamins seem to whisper: “You really need us,” but before use you need to consult a doctor

Before you buy another colorful jar of dietary supplements or vitamins at the pharmacy, be sure to consult your doctor. It is likely that you do not need some element, and following the course there will be an excess of it in the body, this can be even worse than a deficiency. If tests show a lack of certain micro- or macroelements, then additional doses will come in handy. The attending physician will definitely give recommendations. Some deficiencies can be easily compensated by simply adjusting your diet. Our colleagues fromDoctor Peter» cite the expert opinion of gynecologist Ekaterina Volkova. According to her, women over 40 years of age need to especially carefully monitor their health.

— Fatigue, drowsiness, powerlessness, lethargy—are these symptoms familiar to you? This condition can occur for various reasons, and one of the most common is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, says the doctor.

Here are five vitamins that women primarily need.

Vitamin D. It helps calcium to be better absorbed, is responsible for bone strength, and also protects the body from the development of diabetes, as well as the risk of heart attack, psoriasis, obesity, allergic reactions and even epilepsy. It is known that its deficiency can lead to depression.

Vitamin A. Responsible for the quality of skin and mucous membranes, supports the functioning of the reproductive system, protects once morest mastopathy.

Vitamin E. Participates in the synthesis of sex hormones, reduces the risks of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, helps the liver, protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles.

B vitamins. Participate in energy metabolism synthesis of thyroid hormones and red blood cells. Important for the development of the nervous system, including brain function, and reduce stress levels.

Vitamin C. This antioxidant protects Our body is protected from free radicals – they damage healthy cells. In addition, it is involved in the construction of connective tissue – ligaments, joints and skin.

Important: do not prescribe vitamins for yourself, even if all your symptoms seem to indicate that you are deficient in a particular microelement. Seek professional help from your doctor.

You should also refuse “useful” droppers. They promise to help the body, lose weight, and replenish vitamin deficiencies, but doctors assure us that we can get all vitamins from food, the main thing is to watch our diet. But vitamin drips can only undermine your health, for example, lead to thrombosis and liver disease.

How trans fats increase the risk of breast cancer and thrombosis

Previously, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies of Perm Polytechnic Ekaterina Bankovskaya told why it is dangerous to heat food in the microwave, how trans fats are formed and why they increase the risk of blood clots, breast cancer and atherosclerosis.

Expensive fats are often replaced in industry with trans fats. Thus, milk fats are replaced with margarine, which contains up to 40% trans fats. Trans fats are converted fatty acids. In nature, they occur, for example, in the stomach of ruminants and remain in milk and meat in an amount of 5–8%. They arise artificially during the industrial processing of cheap vegetable oil, as well as during repeated heat treatment of food. Regular fats turn into trans fats when fried, baked, or heated in the microwave.

“The danger lies in the fact that trans fats are not removed from the body on their own, which means they accumulate, gradually replacing natural lipids in organs and tissues, as a result of which the cells of the human body lose the ability to fully perform their functions and remove harmful substances,” explains Ekaterina Bankovskaya.

As the scientist says, trans fats worsen the immune system because they interfere with the absorption of vitamin D. A lack of vitamin disrupts the functioning of the kidneys and thyroid gland and can lead to rickets. In addition, trans fats make platelets stickier, increasing the risk of blood clots. In addition, trans fats interfere with liver detoxification. They also increase the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis, strokes and coronary heart disease.

— The study showed that in women, trans fats can also affect the condition of the mammary glands. Excessive consumption increases the risk of developing breast cancer by 40%, the polytechnic said. — Trans fats also increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Read more regarding trans fats, as well as how to balance your diet. in the material.

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