Tamsweg: Three horses euthanized after collision with car

2024-01-22 09:40:08

A serious traffic accident occurred on Monday morning on the bypass road in Tamsweg. One woman suffered injuries and three horses had to be euthanized.

Shortly before six o’clock on Monday, a 31-year-old woman from Lungau was driving her car on the B95, Turracher Straße, from Mauterndorf towards Ramingstein. In the area of ​​the Tamsweg bypass, three horses suddenly stood on the road, the driver was no longer able to brake or avoid in time and her car crashed into the animals.

The 31-year-old suffered injuries but, according to police, was able to go to Tamsweg Hospital on her own.

However, the three horses were seriously injured in the collision with the vehicle and had to be euthanized at the scene of the accident by the veterinarian. An alcohol test carried out on the woman from Lungau was negative.

The accident site was closed to all traffic until 7:15 a.m. while the accident was being recorded and the recovery and clean-up work was taking place. The current investigations showed that the horses had escaped from a stable building in Tamsweg for an unknown reason.

#Tamsweg #horses #euthanized #collision #car

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