Conde University’s XXVIII International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at WTC River Mouth: Recognizing Veracruz Companies and Upcoming Events

2024-01-21 09:40:07

The Conde Universitywith extensive national and international prestige in the field of aesthetic medicineurges a government to recognize the efforts of Veracruz companies.

With the upcoming celebration of the XXVIII Congress of Aesthetic Surgeons of the Universidad del Conde, at the WTC of River Mouththis one by all means he wanted to close Zenyazen Escobar and who, with all kinds of audits and tricks, could not defeat an academic institution that contributes to giving prestige and relevance to this entity.

This study house with 20 years of traditionwhere the Master’s Degree in Aesthetic Surgery is taught, every weekend 800 qualified doctors from all over the country arrive to study this Master’s Degree, representing 800 hotel rooms, transfers, 2,400 breakfasts, lunches, dinners and visits to the city of Xalapa, which receives ample benefit to the tourism sector in the state capital.

What the State of Veracruz needs is precisely this, to encourage and motivate convention tourismto economically reactivate the sectors and thereby support all Veracruz families.

For this reason, next Thursday, January 25, the “XXVIII International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery” will be held, with the arrival of more than 2500 surgeons aesthetics from the country and abroad, for which they have occupied the WTC and several hotels in the Veracruz metropolitan area.River Mouth.

As the rector of the UDC himself says, Doctor Marco Antonio Conde Pérez“it takes a lot of work to bring these types of events, we have to support them.”

On another topic, the Veracruz journalism in mourning for the sensitive death of Mr. David Varona Fuentes.

And fight journalist and a lot of experience that leaves a legacy in the Xalapa press.

Solidarity with family, colleagues and friends, especially with his daughter Eva Varona Count, excellent communicator.

And the journalist Azucena Uresticlosed on Friday his twenty-year cycle of uninterrupted work hosting Milenio Televisión’s stellar newscast.

He argued, some circumstances, unspecified, but the beautiful and professional journalist will surely soon be in some other programmatic bar, without any problem of censorship or restriction on her great work in the news, who for now punctually thanked her entire team and the public as she always told them every night: “thanks for joining us”.

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For his part, the president AMLOasked the journalist clarify the reason of his departure and the “circumstances”, he argued that there is no censorship in his government.

While “Epidemic” Ibarra, On behalf of who knows who, he dared to say that the famous journalist is lying, as always.

Which means that this character He has become a prosecutor, a judge and even in the Holy Inquisition with his own colleagues, for being smarmy and submissive like the same “journalists” of the past regime, who so infamously flattered those in power, as today he fulfills that mission, without regard.

Azucena Uresti, can and should reserve your freedom of expressionand not be coerced by anyone for her departure from Milenio TV.

To those who do not know the tolerance of Norberto Bobbio or freedom of expression Montesquieuthat they learn to respect their truth.

By circumstances can be understood many thingseven to the change of News Media.

Or as AMLO would say in his good times: they are very nervous. That’s how things are.

#Worldview #Congress #Aesthetic #Medicine #WTC #Boca #del #Río #UDC

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