A podcast to talk about mental health in business

2024-01-18 17:02:50

Why talk regarding mental health in business? In this podcast « BREAK”, Margaux Bergamelli, occupational psychologist, gives us concrete action options that our organizations can put in place to act in favor of the mental health of workers.

BREAK, what is it?

BRISE is a podcast hosted by Claudia Rinzivillo, doctor of psychology, with a thematic episode which will be released every month! By inviting people affected by psychological disorders (past or chronic), work psychologists and professionals, directors, managers and HR, theThe objectives of BRISE are:
– provide reading keys to employees and managers on mental health at work;
– destigmatize these subjects in the world of work;
– make the expertise of psychologists on these subjects more visible and accessible.

The first BRISE podcast sweeps away prejudices regarding mental health at work

EP1 – Why talk regarding mental health in business with Margaux Bergamelli, occupational psychologist
Why is mental health still little known in the world of work? What can the intervention of a work psychologist actually bring to our organizations? How to spot the first signs of anxiety and depression in yourself or a colleague? And finally, what concrete actions can our organizations put in place tomorrow to act in favor of the mental health of the people who work there? It was all these questions that Margaux Bergamelli took part in answering during this face to face meeting.

#podcast #talk #mental #health #business



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