How to insert a drop-down menu in an Excel file?

2024-01-20 12:55:00

Excel is software from the Microsoft Office suite which has several hundred practical options, but not always known to the general public. Today, Futura explains how to insert a drop-down menu into a file with the most famous spreadsheet.

When you create an Excel table (Microsoft Office) in which you have to fill in boxes with a defined number of answers, it may be wise to use a drop-down menu which will list the various proposals.

The operation to be performed is not complicated, but it is difficult to guess if you do not know it. Futura reveals today the procedure to follow step by step.
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Create the initial table

First, fill the table normally, except for the cells in which you will insert a drop-down menu.

In our example, we take a very simple scenario, namely a summary table of the presence of certain people at a meeting. We will place a drop-down menu in cells B2, B3 and B4 of our table.

We give the name “November meeting” to the first sheet of our binder.

Add a new workbook sheet and give it a name.
In this sheet, you will then list the different choices that will be offered in the drop-down menu.

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Return to the first sheet of your binder. Select the box in which you want to place the drop-down menu. Then go to the “Data” tab, then click “Data Validation” in the ribbon.

A windowwindow then appears.

Click the drop-down menu below “Allow,” then choose “List.”

Simply click on the empty “Source” field that appears. Then click on the tab of the workbook sheet containing the list of choices from the drop-down menu that you prepared a little before (“Presence choice” in our example). In our example, the following command appears in the “ =’Presence choice’! ».

Select the range of cells containing all the answers to complete the command.

The command line is now fully populated, in our example “ =’Presence choice’!$A$2:$A$4 “. Confirm the operation with a click on “OK”.

The drop-down menu is now available in the cell you chose.

You do not need to repeat the manipulation for each cell in which you want to insert the drop-down menu. Simply copy/paste the cell containing the drop-down menu.

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