2024-01-20 10:05:58
When a couple exercises together, the results are less effective than when exercising alone.
Entered 2024.01.19 16:02 Entered 2024.01.19 16:02 Modified 2024.01.19 17:01 Views 3,146
Exercising with a partner has been shown to lower physical activity levels compared to exercising alone. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It’s nice to see a couple or a couple exercising together. However, considering the effectiveness of exercise, it would be better to leave your partner at home. At least for older adults, exercising with a partner was associated with lower physical activity levels compared to exercising alone.
According to information recently published in the ‘International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction’, a research team from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University conducted a study on 240 participants aged 54 to 72 and found that married couples The effect was even lower when we exercised together.
The participants were all married and living with their spouses, and were divided into a group that exercised as a couple and a group that exercised alone. Participants wore a fitness tracker that recorded information such as number of steps, heart rate, distance traveled, calories burned, activity time, and sleep data.
As a result of the analysis, it was found that the average number of steps of participants who exercised together as a couple for 12 weeks was lower than that of participants who exercised individually. The average number of steps per day for participants who exercised with a partner was 10,441 steps, while the average number of steps per day for participants who exercised alone was 11,372 steps per day. When couples exercised together, the number of steps was lower. Couples who exercised together spent more time sitting per day than couples who exercised individually.
Dr. Sapphire Lin, who led the study, said, “The average age of participants in this study was 60 years old, and they had been married and living together with the same spouse for 30 years. This suggests that even if they do not exercise with their spouse, their daily movements are well established. “He said.
The researchers analyzed that it is more difficult for couples to achieve active physical activity goals because they have to adapt to each other. In order for couples to change their daily habits, they need to make significant changes to habits and routines that have been ingrained over many years of marriage, which can make it difficult to incorporate exercise habits and can lead to loss of motivation.
According to the researchers, when older couples try to exercise together, it may be more effective to focus on changing their own daily routine rather than forcing the other person to change to fit the exercise they have been doing.
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