The Ultimate Guide to Almonds: Health Benefits, Nutrition, and FAQs

2024-01-18 14:07:49

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Nuts are often touted as one of the healthiest on-the-go snacks, with almonds being highly praised for their benefits. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, and their benefits range from glowing skin to lustrous hair and can boost brain power.

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Almonds are not actually a nut, but a seed (hard to identify, we know), but they are highly nutritious and can be eaten in countless ways, even before they started turning into the popular fried chicken, mixing them with milk , cream, oil and flour are used together.

Nutritionist Angelique Panagos says: “I add almonds to many recipes; for breakfast, salads and sauces. They are an important source of omega3 (an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid) as well as protein, fiber, nutrients and vitamins. source.”

Big-name admirers abound. Meghan Markle, who once spoke out for almonds at the House of Windsor, attributes her flawless complexion to eating almonds and almond butter.

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So let’s take a deeper look at what these oval-shaped snacks can do for the body.

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13 Benefits of Almonds

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1/ Rich in protein

A handful of almonds contains one-eighth of our recommended daily intake of protein, which is a big burden for a vegan to meet.

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2/ Balance cholesterol

Studies show that in people of normal weight, almonds can help lower levels of the bad cholesterol, LDL cholesterol.

3/ Increase vitamin E intake

They are also an excellent source of vitamin E, providing 60% of our recommended daily intake in just a small amount. This helps protect cells once morest cholesterol oxidation, which can lead to heart disease.

Early research also suggests that it may even prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin E has also been shown to protect cells from oxidative damage, which can lead to aging.

4/ Help with weight loss

By inducing satiety, eating almonds can aid weight loss, despite their high calorie and fat content.

5/ Reduce someone’s risk of developing cancer

Although many health foods claim to have properties that reduce the risk of cancer, research suggests almonds may affect certain cancer types.

A study in Mexico found that eating high amounts of almonds can reduce the risk of breast cancer by two or three times.

Another suggestion suggests that they can significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer in both men and women.

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6/ Reduce the risk of heart disease

Research shows that consuming 50 grams of almonds per day helps maintain normal cardiovascular function, increases antioxidants in the blood, lowers blood pressure and promotes blood circulation.

7/ Improve sleep quality

Although more research is needed to provide conclusive evidence, as almonds are a good source of magnesium, calcium, and melatonin, early research suggests they may be beneficial in promoting muscle relaxation and sleep.

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8/ Balance blood sugar levels

Their high magnesium content—just 45 almonds are almost half the recommended daily intake—may also affect blood sugar levels, a key factor in diabetes.

One study found that consuming 55-60 grams of almonds resulted in lower fasting insulin and fasting blood glucose values, as well as lower insulin resistance.

9/ Extend life

Others have since backed up a study that found people who ate a palm-sized serving of almonds every day had a 23 percent lower risk of early death from conditions such as neurodegenerative disorders or diabetes. It is generally believed that people who eat nuts live longer and healthier lives.

10/ Promote intestinal health

Almonds appear to be beneficial to our gut microbiome, according to a study that found almonds (in seed or cream form) can improve gut biome, possibly due to the effect of prebiotics on gut bacteria.

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11/ Improve cognitive function

Are almonds good for the brain? High levels of vitamin E, especially alpha-tocopherol, are the most easily absorbed forms by the body, which explains why almonds are considered “brain food.”

They also showed that it can reduce the post-lunch crash if consumed with a high-fat meal.

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12/ Extend memory

They are also thought to improve memory, although more research is needed to come up with firm evidence.

13/ Improve skin and hair quality

Are Almonds Good for Skin and Hair? Interestingly enough, almonds are widely recognized for their skin and hair benefits. Despite a lack of research, almonds are high in vitamin B complex, riboflavin, zinc, niacin, iron and vitamin E, which are all beneficial to a healthy complexion — on Meghan Markle You can see it.

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A new study shows that women with Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1 and 2 (who burn easily in the sun) if they eat almonds as 20 percent of their total daily caloric intake, May reduce the distribution and severity of wrinkles.

Some Almond FAQs⋯⋯

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What is the nutritional value of almonds?

One serving (regarding 23 almonds or a handful) contains 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, and 14 grams of fat (9 grams of which are monounsaturated).

How many almonds can you eat in a day?

It is thought that approximately 23 almonds can be consumed in one serving, although eating as little as 8 to 10 almonds per day has significant health benefits.

Is eating too many almonds bad for you?

Consuming too much almonds can cause stomach upset, and their high fiber content can lead to bloating and constipation. Some people will talk regarding the cyanide in almonds, but you’d have to eat more than 1,150 a day to get a sufficient toxic dose.

Is it okay to eat almonds on an empty stomach?

It is absolutely safe and is generally believed to provide better nutrient absorption when consumed on an empty stomach.

What are the benefits of eating soaked almonds?

Soaking seeds in water is thought to make digestion easier and aid nutrient absorption, but evidence to support this is limited. However, they do become softer and taste smoother and creamier, which may be appealing if you don’t like the bitter tannins of unsoaked almonds.

How to Soak Almonds? Just soak the almonds in a bowl of water for 8-12 hours.

What are the side effects of almonds?

Unless you are allergic to almonds, the side effects should not be negative and you will benefit from the nutritional benefits of almonds. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact a nutritionist.

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Women’s Health Beauty Circle SAY

Almonds have many benefits. They can replenish the high-quality fats and vitamin E needed by the body. They are also good for the skin and can enhance brain power. You can eat 8 to 10 almonds every day!

[Extended reading]

Translation: Jiang Jiaru

*This article was reported by Women’sHealth Taiwan and may not be reproduced without authorization*

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