Mourning and Elegy in the Second Book of Samuel: 2 Sm 1, 1-4. 11-12. 17. 19. 23-27

2024-01-19 21:49:59

Reading from the second book of Samuel

2 Sm 1, 1-4. 11-12. 17. 19. 23-27

In those days, following defeating the Amalekites, David went to Shequelag and stayed there for two days. On the third day a man came from Saul’s camp, his clothes torn and his head covered in dust. He came to where David was and prostrated himself in reverence. David asked him, “Where do you come from?” He answered, “I am fleeing from the camp of Israel.” David asked him: “What happened? Tell me.” He replied: “The people were defeated in battle and fled. Many fell and among the dead were Saul and Jonathan.”

Then David tore his clothes, and those who were with him did the same. They began to mourn and weep, and fasted until night for Saul and Jonathan, for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Israel, because they had died by the sword. Then David sang an elegy for Saul and his son Jonathan:

“Your heroes, Israel, have been sacrificed on your mountains.
Why did the brave fall?
Saul and Jonathan, loved and admired,
inseparable in life and united in death,
faster than eagles
and stronger than lions.

Daughters of Israel, weep for Saul,
who dressed them in purple and linen
and covered them with jewels and gold.

Why did the brave men fall in the middle of battle?
Jonathan lies dead in your mountains.
For you, Jonathan, my brother, I am full of sorrow.
I loved you with all my soul
and your friendship was more valuable to me
than the love of women.
Why did the brave fall
and the flower of warriors perished?”

#Gospel #word #day #January



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