Prof. Dr. Yong Phuworawan’s Insights on the COVID-19 Vaccine: Balancing the Good and Bad Results

2024-01-19 06:25:00

Prof. Dr. Yong Phuworawan, Head of the Center of Specialization in Clinical Virology Revealing the COVID-19 vaccine There are both good and bad results. Emphasize that everything has both good and bad results. But if the benefits greatly outweigh the negative effects We would probably have to give in.

Today (January 19) Facebook “Yong Poovorawan” or Prof. Dr. Yong Poovorawan, Head of the Center of Specialization in Clinical Virology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Post a message stating: “All vaccines aim to prevent disease. whether it prevents infection severity of disease including death All types of vaccines Regardless of the vaccines used in children It will be both very useful and The disadvantage is that side effects can occur, but generally side effects are very rare. such as oral polio vaccine Can prevent polio But it can also cause polio. But the chance of getting polio from the vaccine might be one in a million or millions of doses.

Similarly, the COVID-19 vaccine must be used urgently. Because in the first year, COVID-19 had a death rate of 3-5%, which was very high, and decreased in the following years to 1%, and until now it is probably less than 0.1% according to the evolution of the virus. And the body’s immunity that arises from vaccines and infections makes the disease less severe.

The COVID-19 vaccine is known to have side effects such as fever and body aches. There is pain at the injection site, but it is very rare that it can be severe or even fatal. Billions of doses of the vaccine have been administered. Even in Thailand, more than a hundred million doses have been used. Therefore, side effects that occur 1 in 100,000 or 1 in a million will be encountered. same as each other The same is true for the use of the COVID-19 vaccine. We consider the benefits and disadvantages. If the disease is severe, the chance of it getting into the lungs is very high and the death rate is higher than 1%. The vaccine has some side effects, but they are much less severe than the severity of the disease.

When Covid passed until now There is clear information that People who have received the COVID-19 vaccine have a lower death rate when infected than people who have not received the vaccine. But when the COVID-19 disease greatly reduced its severity Only violence remains in vulnerable groups. vaccine requirements It would probably have to focus on vulnerable groups. More than for the general public who are physically strong. And vaccination is not compulsory. It is given voluntarily. But our duty is to provide all the knowledge to make decisions.

Everything has both good and bad results. But if the benefits greatly outweigh the negative effects We would probably have to give in.”

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