FPÖ – Hafenecker on COFAG: Government failure to the bitter end! | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2024-01-19 08:11:46

Companies have already been waiting for almost 500 million euros for a year following payments were stopped

Vienna (OTS) – Today the FPÖ general secretary and liberal parliamentary group leader in the COFAG investigative committee, NAbg, sharply criticized the continued failure of the black-green federal government at COFAG. Christian Hafenecker: “It is unacceptable that companies have now had to wait for almost a year for around 500 million euros following the payment stop, which was enforced by incorrect regulations, because the government parties cannot agree on how to repair the botched regulations themselves. Finance Minister Brunner and Vice Chancellor Kogler should finally stop blaming each other for this and put an end to their failure,” said Hafenecker.

It is politically completely indecent to first cause immeasurable economic damage with completely excessive closure measures and then to block the already inadequate compensation for damages for years. “It has now been almost two years since the end of the Corona measures. Many affected companies have been waiting for their money for so long. If an entrepreneur doesn’t pay his bills for two years, he will be faced with filing for insolvency,” Hafenecker made clear. It is therefore hardly surprising that the state is already confronted with the first official liability lawsuits.

The black-green farce fits seamlessly into the history of failure of COFAG, which was established on an unconstitutional basis and fell far short of its intended goals when handling compensation for damages – primarily due to incorrect political guidelines. “This is already clear from the fact that, despite former Finance Minister Blümel’s full-throated ‘whatever the cost’ announcement, Austria is confronted with a growing wave of bankruptcies and record inflation compared to the EU. Despite the billions in payments, companies are slipping into insolvency because not all of the damage caused has been compensated. The undignified hiccup between Brunner and Kogler endangers thousands more jobs. And the entire population is paying the bill for the Corona and COFAG madness with prices continuing to explode and their savings being devalued,” said the FPÖ General Secretary.

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