2024-01-19 06:01:14
This Thursday, January 18, Laure Closier received Alexis Combessie, co-founder and president of Giskard, Gabriel Hubert, co-founder and president of Dust, Maya Noël, general director of France Digitale, Aiman Ezzat, general director of Capgemini, Rose Ollivier, director of The Boson Project observatory, Paul Sauveplane, secretary general of Alan, and Benoit Serre, vice-president of ANDRH, in the Good Morning Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
This Thursday, January 18, the future of work with the implementation of birth leave, the consequences and advantages of eliminating teleworking, were discussed by[=RoseOllivierdirectorofTheBosonProjectobservatoryPaulSauveplanesecretarygeneralofAlanandBenoitSerrevice-presidentofANDRHreceivedbyLaureClosierintheGoodMorningBusinessshowonBFMBusinessFindtheshowfromMondaytoFridayandlistentoit once moreasapodcast[=RoseOllivierdirectricedel’observatoiredeTheBosonProjectPaulSauveplanesecrétairegénérald’AlanetBenoitSerrevice-présidentdel’ANDRHreçusparLaureClosierdansl’émissionGoodMorningBusinesssurBFMBusinessRetrouvezl’émissiondulundiauvendredietréécoutezlaenpodcast
Aiman Ezzat, Managing Director of Capgemini, was the guest of Laure Closier and Christophe Jakubyszyn on Good Morning Business, this Thursday, January 18. He returned to the optimism of business owners for their growth, and the consequences of the development of artificial intelligence on the world of work, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Maya Noël, general director of France Digitale, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Thursday, January 18. She spoke regarding the strength of French Tech in Davos and the strong growth of startups and large entities in the technology sector, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Gabriel Hubert, co-founder of Dust, was Christophe Jakubyszyn’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Thursday, January 18. They presented the company, and talked regarding the tool creation processes, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
This Thursday, January 18, Laure Closier and Christophe Jakubyszyn presented the 7 a.m. news of Good Morning Business, of which here are the first subjects: Davos, tech evening for E. Macron, “socialism condemns poverty”, positive discrimination, America backs up. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Alexis Combessie, co-founder and president of Giskard, was Christophe Jakubyszyn’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Thursday, January 18. He looked at the acceleration of the deployment of artificial intelligence and its tests around AI algorithms to avoid errors and “hallucinations”, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
This Wednesday, January 17, Laure Closier received Sébastien Gravier, president and founder of Vulkam, Georges-Olivier Reymond, president and co-founder of Pasqal, Sabrina Soussan, CEO of Suez, Laurent Solly, vice-president of Southern Europe of Meta, Thomas Sasportas , journalist BFM Business, Pierre-Olivier Brial, general director of ETI Manutan and vice-president of METI, François Miquet-Marty, president Les Temps Nouveaux and Carole Ferté, director of studies at Cadremploi, in the show Good Morning Business on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
This Wednesday, January 17, the upcoming difficulties regarding employment, following Emmanuel Macron’s declaration on Tuesday, the weak growth of China, and the destruction of employment by AI, were addressed by Thomas Sasportas, BFM Business journalist, Pierre-Olivier Brial, general director of ETI Manutan and vice-president of METI, François Miquet-Marty, president of Temps Nouveaux, and Carole Ferté, director of studies at Cadremploi, received by Laure Closier and Christophe Jakubyszyn in the Good Morning Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
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