FPÖ – Hafenecker: “’Anti-Austrian alliance’ made up of the unity party and its helpers will fail because of the will of the Austrians!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

2024-01-18 17:44:34

Rolling out new election plans, dubious survey framing and swinging the media mud bucket is a transparent maneuver and will not prevent the change with Chancellor Herbert Kickl

Vienna (OTS) – “The new election plans being discussed in the ÖVP backrooms are not aimed at giving Austrians the long overdue opportunity to liberate themselves from this unfortunate black-green federal government, but rather only serve the purpose of turning off the two investigative committees. Because the ÖVP fears the beginning of the Corona process with the examination of the tax money grave of billions COFAG like the proverbial devil fears holy water,” explained FPÖ media spokesman and General Secretary NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA on current media reports and sees behind it the “forging of an ‘anti-Austrian united front’ by black spin doctors, with the aim of replacing an FPÖ-led federal government and an People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl following election day once morest the citizens’ will expressed there “to prevent a disastrous alliance between the other parties”.

An OGM survey framed and pushed by the “Krone” today also fits exactly into this picture. “When it comes to maintaining power, the political-media establishment, of which the ‘Kronen Zeitung’ has unfortunately become an essential part, gets involved and is not above working with dubious surveys. Only the voters will decide who has to make way following the election and they will show the Nehammers, Bablers, Koglers and Co the ‘blue card’! This approach of the political system is no more surprising to us freedom-loving people than it is to the Austrians, who have long since seen through these well-known methods, and it only strengthens us even more in our solidarity with the population. Because one thing is clear: the necessary turnaround with the unconditional turn to the citizens and their interests will only come with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl – and that’s exactly what the self-proclaimed elites fear!” says Hafenecker.

It is therefore hardly surprising that ÖVP General Secretary Stocker almost daily broadcasts “desperately lash out with outrageous accusations” and “try to use smoke grenades to talk regarding the black swamp of corruption, the ÖVP policy directed once morest its own population and the weaknesses of black state governors.” to distract: “The black nerves are apparently particularly shaky in Styria, where the citizens are turning away in droves from the weak system governor Drexler and are placing their hope and trust in the Freedom Party with Mario Kunasek, who is set for a brilliant election success in the autumn . And that’s exactly why the Unity Party and many of these mainstream media have put him in their crosshairs – but the Styrians won’t be impressed by that either. But I can assure Mr. Stocker that we will take a closer look at his party colleague Lopatka, who has been nominated as the ‘ÖVP-EU lackey’!”

The black-green-red-pink unity party is “completely at the end” in view of the unbridled, enormous support of the Austrians for the FPÖ and Herbert Kickl, which only became visible once more last Saturday when the hall was filled to capacity at the New Year’s meeting. . “2024 is the year of decision in which the population will end the unity party’s politics, which is aimed once morest them and only at the powerful, in order to ensure a clear vote for a federal government with the FPÖ and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl at the top Austria is back on the path to prosperity, which brings freedom and security!” explained the liberal Secretary General.

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