Education sector in Bié expects improvements in the teaching of national languages ​​– news

The education sector in the province of Bié expects, in the coming years, to improve the teaching of national languages, through the adoption of policies that can allow their coverage in public schools

The intention was expressed this Tuesday to ANGOP, by the head of the Local Education Department, Arlindo Longuenda, when he spoke regarding the situation of teaching national languages ​​in schools in this central/southern region of the country.

According to the person responsible, the sociolinguistic reality of the province of Bié is influenced by nine national languages, with greater predominance for Umbundu, Tchokwe, Nganguela and Kimbundu, with the first (Umbundu) being taught in the 12 teaching institutions that the province has.

Due to the very diverse ethnolinguistic reality that Bié has, it is necessary to adopt strategies to improve the teaching and learning process, so that they are properly mastered by the local population and have an impact on their lives, taking into account its importance in the communicative process.

Among the strategies, he highlighted the hiring of more teachers for these areas of knowledge and the acquisition of teaching material (grammars, dictionaries and methodological material), as the main difficulties that have been encountered in the process of implementing national language classes in schools.

To this end, Arlindo Longuenda recommended that school directors and municipal departments include in their needs plans the hiring of more teachers, so that they are met within the scope of public competitions in the sector.

The education sector in Bié has enrolled, in the current academic year, in the entire general education subsystem, 688 thousand and 638 students who attend classes in 815 school institutions and whose teaching and learning process is ensured by more than 15 thousand teachers.



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