A look into the Kastl: The last episode of “Nord bei Nordwest” (today, 8:15 p.m. ARD) leads into the parallel universe

Inspector Wagner (Jana Klinge) suddenly gives birth to piglets, while veterinarian Jule Christiansen (heartwarming: Marleen Lohse) hunts down a murderer. All the residents of Schwanitz seem to have swapped roles – like in a bizarre case of “Murot”.

One question has always hovered over the series and fuels its charm: Will the commitment-shy veterinarian ever open his heart to one of the two women he likes? If yes, which?

Who he confesses to this time: “Not only the sea is bluer with you, but also the sky”, they won’t reveal at this point.

“The dead are only dead when no one remembers them anymore,” warns the farewell episode. The lovable characters of “Nord bei Nordwest” will live on for a long time.


Karin Schütze

Culture editor

Karin Schütze

Karin Schütze


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