Effective Home Remedies for Fighting Fever and Cold in Winter

2024-01-18 18:07:00

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    In winter, runny noses, coughs and colds are not uncommon. Almost always there: fever. However, this can be combated with simple home remedies.

    Frankfurt – Winter time is also the time for colds and this promotes a variety of complaints, especially in the gray and cold weather of the year. A flu infection can also hit some people hard. Even a flu-like infection, which is usually milder than real flu, can usually last up to seven days. In some cases even over several weeks.

    But for some illnesses such as cough, cold or fever, medication is not always necessary. There is a gentle and usually cheaper alternative – grandma’s tried and tested home remedies. These can combat minor illnesses and relieve symptoms. However, if symptoms persist and do not improve, it is advisable to seek professional help.

    In winter it’s easy to catch a runny nose, cough or even a cold. (Symbolic image) © Oleksandr Latkun/Imago

    Grandma’s home remedies: These two measures help fight the fever

    Low outside temperatures and dry heating air put a strain on the immune system. If many people around you have a cold, pathogens and viruses usually have an easy time of it. It’s easy to catch a cold under these circumstances. This is uncomfortable and can be exhausting.

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    Lots of sleep, rest and drinking are often the best helpers. There are also some home remedies that can relieve symptoms and help with recovery. According to the online magazine Vital.de These two home remedies help reduce the fever:

    • Remove heat with calf wraps: If the body starts to sweat heavily, cooling calf wraps can help. The body wants to get rid of heat through sweat and the moist, cool wraps gently dissipate the heat. However, care should be taken to ensure that the rest of the body and feet remain warm. Calf wraps should only be used when your body temperature is 39°C. Here’s how it works: Dip the cloths in cold water and then wrap them loosely around your calves. Once the cloths have warmed up, remove them once more and replace them as often as necessary. A wet cloth on the back of your neck can also help lower your body temperature. Danger: Calf wraps should only be used when the body is sweating, not when you have chills.
    • Chew ginger or prepare it as a tea: The tuber is said to have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antibacterial effects. Gingerol is also said to stimulate sweating and help cool the body from the inside. If pure ginger is too spicy for you, you can also make it as a tea or add it to a soup.

    According to the online platform Utopia.de A descending full bath can also help reduce the fever. The temperature of the bath water should be approximately one degree below the person’s body temperature and should be gradually lowered to 25 °C as soon as the person lies in the water. The tub should be left following 15 minutes.

    Cold in winter: These tips also help to reduce the fever

    Fever is according to the online health portal Onmeda.de a natural defense reaction of the body to fight pathogens. The normal human body temperature is around 37°C. According to experts, fever refers to a rise in body temperature above 38 °C. MSD Manual According to this, “the small temperature increases caused by most acute infections, i.e. 38°C to 40°C, are well tolerated by healthy adults.” However, if the fever lasts longer than two to three days, you should definitely see a doctor. Because an excessive or extreme increase in temperature of over 41 °C can be harmful.

    Sea Onmeda.de The following measures, among others, also help with fever:

    • Light clothing: If you have a fever, the room temperature should be rather cool. Those affected should also wear light clothing, as thick layers make it difficult to regulate body temperature.
    • Drink a lot: Since the body loses a lot of fluid through sweating, drinking provides an important balance. As a rule of thumb: If the temperature rises by one degree Celsius above 37.0° C, you should also drink half a liter to a liter more fluid per day.
    • Tea and honey for fever: There are various types of tea, such as lime blossom tea, which are said to have an antipyretic effect. You can also add some honey to the tea once it has cooled down a bit. Because it has anti-inflammatory ingredients and supports the immune system.
    • Chicken soup: A warm soup has a sweat-inducing effect and indirectly helps to reduce the fever. In 2000, researchers from the US state of Nebraska were able to determine a slight anti-inflammatory effect of chicken soup in the laboratory. A strong broth with various vegetables provides minerals, vitamins as well as antioxidants and fiber. The soup chicken, in turn, provides protein, minerals and B vitamins. According to the health insurance company, these strengthen AOK the immune system and promote digestion.

    Editor’s note:

    This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions regarding medical conditions.

    Grandma’s tips are still in great demand. Who Has symptoms such as a sore throat or cough, can also treat this with proven home remedies. (Vivian Werg)

    #Home #remedies #fever #tricks #grandma



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