2024-01-18 05:00:55
In addition to orgasm representing the height of pleasure, studies indicate that it is related to several health benefits, ranging from the prevention of heart disease to prostate cancer.
Science does not know exactly what the minimum monthly routine is to have a healthy sex life, since each study analyzes the relationship between sex and a specific health condition. However, with the data available to date, many may fall short of the target.
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The closest researchers have come to a minimum number of orgasms was when analyzing the minimum sexual routine to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Both a study published in 2016 in the scientific journal European Urology and a 2022 survey published in Health Harvard indicate that men with a high frequency of ejaculations, greater than 21 times a month, have a 31% less chance of developing the disease.
The 2016 study, carried out by Boston University, in the United States, indicates that individuals who reach the peak of pleasure 13 times a month would already achieve the cancer prevention benefits.
“The idea behind this hypothesis is that regular ejaculation might help eliminate potentially carcinogenic substances from the prostate, reducing the risk of cancer”, explains sexologist Camila Gentile, from São Paulo.
Sexologist Claudia Petry, from Joinville, adds that minimum sexual frequency is not the only relevant factor in reducing the risk of prostate inflammation.
“Preventing prostate cancer also involves other factors, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, maintaining an ideal weight, avoiding smoking and undergoing periodic medical examinations”, he explains.
Sex is one of the pillars for a healthy life, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) Witthaya Prasongsin/Getty Images
An active and healthy sex life has a direct impact on well-being RealPeopleGroup/Getty Images
It is possible to maintain active and healthy sexuality well into old age Larry Williams/Getty Images
Sex food food helps hinder
Diet also plays a role in having a good sexual routine Getty Images
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In the case of women, it is more complicated to reach an estimated number of orgasms. Claudia explains that the World Health Organization (WHO) does not recognize any disease directly linked to their sexual routine.
“Still, without a doubt, women benefit from many benefits for the health of their bodies as a whole by being sexually satisfied”, says the professional.
Other benefits of orgasm
Scientific research on the links between sex and other benefits for physical, mental and emotional health, however, does not determine such a specific sex routine. According to Claudia, the benefits vary between individuals and, therefore, it is difficult to put the hammer down.
“Regular sexual activity brings benefits when it is consensual, safe and pleasurable. That’s why it’s so difficult to determine it in an agenda. There is no point in making a table to find out whether they had an orgasm or not, there is no health benefit if there is no pleasure”, he advises.
Professionals indicate other benefits that orgasms can bring to the body:
Cardiovascular health
Regular sexual activity may be associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke. By intensifying the heartbeat, sex can help optimize blood circulation, reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.
Regular sex can strengthen the immune system, increasing antibody production and reducing stress — one of the main consequences is the prevention of infections and diseases. Moderate sexual activity can increase levels of IgA, an antibody that plays a crucial role in immunity by creating rapid defenses once morest opportunistic diseases.
Mental well-being
Sexual activity can release endorphins and other neurotransmitters, increasing feelings of emotional well-being. Regular sex can be a healthy way to relax and reduce stress.
Sleep quality
Some studies report that orgasm can help improve sleep quality due to the release of relaxing hormones, such as oxytocin and serotonin, which can make it easier to fall asleep.
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Saúde dos ossos
Specifically for women, the release of oxytocin that occurs at the time of orgasm can prevent bone weakening and osteoporosis. The hormone plays an important role in bone metabolism, according to a study by Universidade Estadual Paulista.
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