2024-01-17 10:35:10
Free League’s latest mod for the superbly crafted Alien RPG is now available. Building Better Worlds, a delicious book full of useful material that every game master worth his salt should have on their bookshelf. This content will allow you to run a whole new campaign focused on colonists and explorers, the poor bastards who are the first to set foot on various inhospitable planets.
Building Better Worlds is available from Free League on the website Buy it for 478 kronor (approx. £35) and include:
- Colonial History – The story of man’s pursuit of the stars.
- Creating Explorers and Colonists – Expanded character creation rules for frontier life.
- Equipment and Spaceships – An extensive chapter with new equipment and spaceships, beautifully illustrated.
- Catalog of Extrasolar Species – New Alien Creatures.
- The Lost World – The framework and backstory of Frontier Campaign.
- Expeditions – Six thrilling expeditions into unknown spaces, playable in any order.
- Endgame – the final showdown where everything hangs in the balance.
- Addendum – Create your own border and colonize it.
Sounds great to us, and of course we’ll be diving into the book ourselves once we get our hands on Alien Claws.
Have you played the Alien RPG and will you get the Build a Better World mod?
#major #expansion #pack #Free #Alliances #alien #roleplaying #game #released #Gamereactor