Understanding Appendicitis: Symptoms, Treatment, and Causes – Jakarta Health News

2024-01-17 10:39:43


Presenter Gilang Dirga was recently rushed to hospital due to suffering from appendicitis. The unpleasant news was conveyed directly by his wife, Adiezty Fersa, via her Instagram account.

“After undergoing a CT scan, it turned out that the stomach ache that caused @gilangdirga to be rushed to the emergency room last Thursday was not due to fatty liver, guys, but due to appendicitis,” he said, quoted from his Instagram as seen by detikcom, Wednesday (17/1/2024).

Gilang also reportedly underwent laparoscopic surgery as a necessary medical procedure.

The appendix is ​​a narrow, finger-shaped pouch that protrudes from the large intestine and is not connected to other parts. If this area becomes inflamed, a person may experience pain in the stomach.

Quoted from Mayoclinic, appendicitis, also known as appendicitis, usually causes pain in the lower right abdomen. The pain will initially be felt around the navel, then shift to the lower right abdomen.

This disease can occur in everyone, but is more common in the 10-30 year age group. If inflammation in the appendix is ​​not treated immediately, it can have fatal consequences for the sufferer’s health.

The cause of this condition is generally not known with certainty. However, there are a number of factors that are thought to cause someone to experience appendicitis, namely:

  • Obstacles at the entrance to the appendix cavity due to accumulation of feces or hardened feces.
  • Thickening or swelling of the appendix wall tissue due to infection in the digestive tract or other parts of the body.
  • Blockage of the appendix cavity due to the growth of parasites in the digestive system, for example pinworm infection or ascariasis.
  • Certain medical conditions, such as stomach tumors or inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Injury to the stomach.

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#Gilang #Dirga #Rushed #Emergency #Room #Complaining #Stomach #Pain #Triggered

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