2024-01-16 16:41:03

Seen at Claire Denis, Sólveig Anspach or in The Legends Office, Florence Loiret Caille is one of our best actresses. In the formidable The Cold Head, she radiates as a jilted woman who improvises as a smuggler of migrants. Encounter.

Why did you accept this film, other than for the money?
(She bursts out laughing). First of all, it’s a very small film, there’s not a lot of money, you know. I read the script which I really liked, then I met the director, Stéphane Marchetti, who makes documentaries. In ten minutes, I have. agreed to go on an adventure with him. For ten years and Sólveig Anspach, I had not been offered a role of this magnitude. The Legends Office gave me one of my most demanding roles, but following losing Srestless (she died of cancer in 2015, editor’s note), I had the impression that I would only be offered supporting roles, with ten days of filming. And I had come to terms with this idea…

In The Cold Headyou are the opposite of all plans.
It’s true. Before the film, I didn’t think regarding anything, I only wanted to be in the situation, in the action. I am rather instinctive. Stéphane showed me a Ken Loach, It’s a Free World, and he told me that my character was a distant cousin of Angie. But three years passed between the time I said yes and when we started filming. Three years ! The script was on my pile, and it must have infused me.

Your character is not very sympathetic, he does not have the greatness of soul of Benjamin Lavherne in the horrible The Committed.
I like that at the start of a film, my character is not very round, very graceful. As in this extraordinary film which is Compartment 6. As in life, you don’t have access to my character at first glance. She smuggles cigarettes, she meets migrants, she doesn’t care, she is indifferent, she is in survival.

How long did the filming last?
We shot four weeks near Briançon, not far from the border, then two weeks in Lyon for the interiors.

And the storm scene in the mountain?
There are no special effects. We just waited until there was a real storm. It was a bit hot, we had to be on point! We were physically tested by crossing the border. It has nothing to do with what migrants experience, who do this at the risk of their lives, we just spent eight hours in the snow, but it was trying, I mightn’t hear anything, we had to pay attention to the avalanches. We all came out of ourselves.

Is it a political film?
(Silence). Yes, a social film. A film which does not provide a solution to migration. But it is also a film that shows bodies and faces, whereas we most often talk regarding numbers and statistics when we talk regarding migrants. In any case, there is no morality, the characters are all in survival.

Can a film change the way viewers view it?
Yes I think so. It does it to me, and we go to the cinema for that, right?

A word on #MeToo in cinema?
I will always have empathy for the victims, that’s all I have to say.

What are your projects ?
I play a prison director in Borgo, but I haven’t seen the movie yet. And I finished the Apple series, The Housein the style of Succession, the story of two rival fashion houses. I’m blonde, I have long hair and I play Carole Bouquet’s daughter. I had a blast! It’s still being edited but I don’t think I can say more…

Et The Legends Office ?
In any case, for me, turning The Legends Office without Éric Rochant, this is not possible.

I heard you were going to become a muse for a major brand.
(She laughs) Muse for socks? I’m still not for sale. I get paid for what I play and I buy my clothes with my money, I care regarding it. Each his own. What I want is to play. Ten days or 40 is fine with me!

A cool head by Stéphane Marchetti
Theatrical release January 17

By Marc Godin




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